DSCOVR begins its journey to monitor solar wind

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February 12, 2015

NASA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite launched February 12, beginning its nearly million mile journey to Lagrange Point L1, 932,000 miles from Earth between the Earth and the Sun. From there DSCOVR will monitor solar wind, a plasma stream of particles that flows from the upper atmosphere of the Sun at speeds 1 million miles per hour and greater, providing vital information and warnings on potentially damaging space weather. Space weather such as x-ray solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and interplanetary magnetic fields can impact GPS systems, radio, and power grids among other vital technology.

DSCOVR will take over solar wind monitoring from the 17-year-old Advance Composition Explorer (ACE) satellite and is also equipped with instruments to monitor ozone and aerosols in the atmosphere. Allowing for view of an entire hemisphere, DSCOVR will provide more data at almost 10 times the speed ACE operates.

DSCOVR is expected to reach its final destination in 110 days.

Sources: E&E news, NASA, National Geographic, NOAA, Washington Post