cryptocrystalline (cryp''-to-crys'-tal-line). (a) Said of the texture of a rock consisting of crystals that are too small to be recognized and separately distinguished even under the ordinary microscope (although crystallinity may be shown by use of the electron microscope); indistinctly crystalline, as evidenced by a confused aggregate effect under polarized light. Also, said of a rock with such a texture. Cf: microcrystalline; dubiocrystalline. Syn: microaphanitic ; microcryptocrystalline; microfelsitic; felsophyric. (b) Said of the texture of a crystalline rock in which the crystals are too small to be recognized megascopically. This usage is not recommended "since it cannot be known that an aphanitic rock is cryptocrystalline until the microscope has shown that it is actually microscopically crystalline" (Johannsen, 1939, p.206). (c) Descriptive of a crystalline texture of a carbonate sedimentary rock having discrete crystals whose diameters are less than 0.001 mm (Bissell and Chilingar, 1967, p.103) or less than 0.01 mm (Pettijohn, 1957, p.93). Some petrographers use an upper limit of 0.004 mm.
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