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The Utah Department of Environmental Quality provides a large amount of environmental monitoring and management information in interactive map form. The Utah Environmental Interactive Map includes information on:
- Drinking water - includes public facilities, ground- and surface water protection zones, irrigated crop consumptive use zones, source water assessment zones, water rights
- Water quality - includes assessed lakes, monitoring locations, underground injection control, groundwater permits, mercury measurements in fish tissue
- Air quality - includes monitoring, emissions (large industrial, oil and gas), permitting and compliance
- Environmental response and remediation - includes brownfield sites, environmental incidents, munitions information, toxic release inventory, underground storage tanks
- Waste management and radiation control - includes solid waste facilities, hazardous waste and used oil, low-level waste disposal and uranium mills
The map can be searched on a statewide basis or for individual regions, cities, or addresses. Much of the data can be downloaded for further use and analysis.
Click here to access the Utah Environmental Interactive Map.