Association of Earth Science Editors 53rd Annual Meeting Regina, Saskatchewan

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The 53rd annual meeting of the Association of Earth Science Editors will take place in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, September 4 to 7, 2019. AESE meetings are a wonderful way to learn about earth science editing, publishing and communication. Our meetings, generally small in size, consist of two days of technical sessions and a one-day field trip, and provide an unparalleled opportunity to network with other editors, publishers, educators and others working in the earth sciences. 
Nicknamed ‘The Queen City’, Regina is the capital of the province of Saskatchewan, one of the three ‘Prairie Provinces’ in Canada. Settled in 1882, Regina was originally called ‘Wascana’, a Cree term meaning ‘Pile of Bones’. Located roughly in the centre of the North American continent, Regina is like an oasis of trees, people and buildings in the heart of the Canadian prairies. With a population of over 230,000, it is the second-largest city in Saskatchewan, and a cultural and entertainment destination for many in this part of the province. Wascana Centre, the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, the RCMP Heritage Centre, and the iconic Legislative Building are just a few of the city’s attractions. 
The meeting is open to anyone interested in earth science editing, publishing and outreach. The program is in the initial planning stage, but meeting information is now available on AESE’s web page A Call for Abstracts will be issued mid Spring. We hope you’ll join us for what promises to be a great meeting. 
For more information, please contact host chair, Heather Brown (Saskatchewan Geological Survey),
