Meet AGI Member Organizations at #GSA2015

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Many of the AGI Federation Member Organizations, which are societies and organizations that you can join, will be exhibiting at the GSA Annual Meeting this week in Denver, Colorado. This is a great opportunity to meet with society leaders and student members alike. Societies are a great opportunity to propel your career or reinforce your network. Don't be a stranger, stop by and say hello! Additionally many AGI Member Organizations are hosting technical sessions as well. 
Societies Exhibiting 
AASP - The Palynological Society. Booth 143.
AAPG - American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Booth 627.
AGU - American Geophysical Union. Booth 600.
AGI - American Geosciences Institute. Booth 608.
AIPG - American Institute of Professional Geologists. Booth 604
AWG - Association for Women Geoscientists. Booth 454.
AASG - Association of American State Geologists. Booth 606.
AESE- Association of Earth Science Editors. Booth 714
AEG - Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists. Booth 248.
CMS - Clay Minerals Society. Booth 264.
CUR - Council on Undergraduate Research. Booth 456.
EEGS - Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society. Booth 363
GS - Geochemical Society. Booth 609.
GAC - Geological Association of Canada. Booth 611.
GSL - Geological Society of London. Booth 501
GSIS - Geoscience Information Society. Booth 131
MSA - Mineralological Society of America. Booth 266.
NAGT - National Association of Geoscience Teachers. Booth 457.
ASBOG - National Association of State Boards of Geology. Booth 562
NCKRI - National Cave and Karst Research Intitute. Booth 700.
SEPM - Society for Sedimentary Geology. Booth 342
SEG - Society of Economic Geologists. Booth 246.
PS - Paleontological Society. Booth 147
