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The Society of Economic Geologists has announced two upcoming events. The first is the "Tethyan Tectonics and Metallogeny" in Çesme, Turkey, September 25-28, 2016. From November 29th-December 2nd, 2016 SEG will be offering a Senior Exploration Management Course at the SEG Course Center in Littleton, Colorado. Informational documents are attached to this post, and both events have been listed on the AGI GeoCalendar.
SEG 2016: Tethyan Tectonics and Metallogeny
"The Tethyan belt is one of the world's most extensive tectonic and metallogenic belts, extending from Europe across Turkey and Asia Minor, through Iran and Tibet to the Malay peninsula. The SEG-MJD 2016 Conference will focus on collisional tectonics of the Tethyan Orogeny and ophiolite obduction, Cretaceous and Tertiary Tethyan arc magmatism, and later-stage Tethyan sedimentary basin and supergene environment development in an integrated approach to better understand the tectonic and metallogenic evolution of this economically productive region."
Senior Exploration Management Short Course
This highly rated four-day training course concerns the principles and practices of effective mineral exploration management. The curriculum covers the broad spectrum of technical and business issues that senior exploration managers typically face.
"The Tethyan belt is one of the world's most extensive tectonic and metallogenic belts, extending from Europe across Turkey and Asia Minor, through Iran and Tibet to the Malay peninsula. The SEG-MJD 2016 Conference will focus on collisional tectonics of the Tethyan Orogeny and ophiolite obduction, Cretaceous and Tertiary Tethyan arc magmatism, and later-stage Tethyan sedimentary basin and supergene environment development in an integrated approach to better understand the tectonic and metallogenic evolution of this economically productive region."
Senior Exploration Management Short Course
This highly rated four-day training course concerns the principles and practices of effective mineral exploration management. The curriculum covers the broad spectrum of technical and business issues that senior exploration managers typically face.