SSSA Scientist Explores the Relationship Between Soil Color & Climate

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All the soils in Iowa have been surveyed and cataloged as part of the cooperative soil survey. Soil color is one of the items in the soils database people find useful.
In the "Soils Matter, Get the Scoop" blog run by the Soil Science Society of America, scientists explore the general relationships that exist between soil color and climates. This piece is a fun read that also touches on other factors that influence soil formation, and would be a great tool to introduce people to the great variety of soils found on the planet. Also, the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting is coming up in Phoenix, November 6-9, 2016 so stop by to learn more about soil, agronomy and crop science! They will be accepting entries for their annual photo contest until September 15th, 2016. 
