35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Title Presenting Authorsort descending Session Abstract
2119 Scientific Integrity and Professional Ethics at AGU – The Role for a Large Scientific Society in Addressing Harassment and Work Climate Issues. Christine McEntee T12.2 - Geoethics and Geoscience Organizations PDF icon 2119.pdf
5615 Discussion Topic 2: Harassment, Bullying and Exclusion (all types - all unaccepable) (Panel discussion) Christine McEntee T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
3224 Ethical Requirements for Applied Earth System Science and Engineering Dr Martin Bohle T12.1 - Geoethics - General Aspects PDF icon 3224.pdf
4517 Geoethic issues in North African and South American paleontology Dr. Artur Sá T12.4 - Geoethics - Case Studies PDF icon 4517.pdf
4525 Geoethics and the Global Geoparks of UNESCO: the necessary link for the assertion of Geoparks worldwide Dr. Artur Sá T12.2 - Geoethics and Geoscience Organizations PDF icon 4525.pdf
4188 Dilemmas in Promoting Growth in the Geoscience Discipline Dr. Christopher Keane T12.2 - Geoethics and Geoscience Organizations PDF icon 4188.pdf
1472 Critical Competencies for Successful New Geoscientists and Approaches for Equipping the Next Generation Dr. Christopher Keane T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 1472.pdf
5606 Discussion topic 4: (Geo)ethical dilemmas in geosciences: what to do (Panel discussion) Dr. Christopher Keane T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
5083 Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals: A “For Northerners, By Northerners” approach to indigenous engagement activities Dr. Daniel Lebel T12.9 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 2 PDF icon 5083.pdf
4162 Geoethics: Good Teaching, Good Science Dr. David Mogk T12.3 - Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication PDF icon 4162.pdf
5604 Discussion topic 2: Teaching geoethics: A Great Challange (Panel Discussion) Dr. David Mogk T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
4569 Geosciences and Multiple Facets of Geoethics Dr. DEVESH WALIA T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 4569.pdf
4274 Unconventional proposals for prevention of environmental/social risks Dr. Francesca Lugeri T12.1 - Geoethics - General Aspects PDF icon 4274.pdf
4970 Externalities of Fossil Fuel Combustion: An Ethical Reassessment of Liability Dr. George Stone T12.8 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 1 PDF icon 4970.pdf
1063 International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG): from Brisbane to beyond Cape Town Dr. Giuseppe Di Capua T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 1063.pdf
4589 Promoting Geoethics in Peru: the activities of the IAPG Peruvian Section Dr. Giuseppe Di Capua T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 4589.pdf
3876 EurGeol as Competent Person Dr. Isabel Manuela Fernandez Fuentes T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 3876.pdf
69 Deep Seabed Mining, Geo-ethics and Pacific Small Island Developing States Dr. Jane Verbitsky T12.9 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 2 PDF icon 69.pdf
3149 Culture Impact On The Term Geoethics In Egypt Dr. Kholoud Abdel Maksoud T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 3149.pdf
1634 Identifying Ethical Principles that Apply to All Geoscientists: AGI Guidelines for Ethical Professional Conduct Dr. Maeve Boland T12.10 - Ethical Practice In Geoscience PDF icon 1634.pdf
4213 Impacts of ports along the Pilbara Coast, Western Australia –a coastline of global geoheritage significance that services a mineral-rich hinterland Dr. Margaret Brocx T12.4 - Geoethics - Case Studies PDF icon 4213.pdf
165 A Framework for Society-Earth-Centric Narrative Dr. Martin Bohle T12.3 - Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication PDF icon 165.pdf
5091 Socrates' rocks: how professional accreditation may help promoting geo-ethics, and why the pioneering stage is challenging Dr. Michiel van der Meulen T12.2 - Geoethics and Geoscience Organizations PDF icon 5091.pdf
1889 Geoethical Problems of Developing Mineral Resources of Natural Celestial Bodies Dr. Nataliya Nikitina T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 1889.pdf
3434 Legal, social, scientific and ethical responsibility of geoscientists Dr. Niichi Nishiwaki T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 3434.pdf
2702 Soil: an indispensable component of Nepalese Culture Dr. Shree Prasad Vista T12.4 - Geoethics - Case Studies PDF icon 2702.pdf
1200 Developing an ethical framework for Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastructures: the experience in the ENVRIplus project Dr. Silvia Peppoloni T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 1200.pdf
5603 Discussion topic 1: Lights and shadows of geoethics (Panel discussion) Dr. Silvia Peppoloni T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
3176 Geoethics: a new way of thinking and managing the Earth Dr. Silvia Peppoloni T12.1 - Geoethics - General Aspects PDF icon 3176.pdf
508 Geology, the regulated discipline in Europe - A historical review and a vision Dr. Tamas Hamor T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 508.pdf
1271 GeoEthics in Hollywood: Is the Hollywood fault active, or is that just another illusion we have created? Eldon Gath T12.4 - Geoethics - Case Studies PDF icon 1271.pdf
3489 The woman in the artisanal mine: From crusher craft to motorized grinder. The case of Matili-Shabunda mining site, South Kivu, DR Congo. Jr. Thierry MUNGA T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 3489.pdf
5616 Discussion Topic 3: Getting the balance right - field assignment leaves of absence, work-life balance, career retention (Panel discussion) Marie Fleming T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
3177 Professional Geoscientist Self-Regulation In Small Jurisdictions: Lessons Learned by Geoscientists Nova Scotia and Applicability for International Start-ups. Mr Robert Stewart T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 3177.pdf
3179 Canadian National Professional Practice Examination for Geoscientists: Its Evolution and Future Directions Including International Applicability Mr Robert Stewart T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 3179.pdf
1310 Managing geo-environment information in the extractive sector and performance in Nigeria: Some empirical results from the field. Mr. Abbas AbdulRafiu T12.9 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 2 PDF icon 1310.pdf
2120 The future of professional regulation: business as usual or a growing proactive role? Examples from the Ordre des géologues du Québec. Mr. Alain Liard T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 2120.pdf
5619 Discussion Topic 5: Disabilities and Challenges - our duty to accommodate (Panel discussion) Mr. Edmund Nickless T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
4406 Delivering Sustainable Development Goals: the need for a new Social Contract for mining Mr. Edmund Nickless T12.8 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 1 PDF icon 4406.pdf
24 Professionalism in the Geosciences as practiced in South Africa Mr. Edward Swindell T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 24.pdf
3021 Professionalism and Ethics in Resource Development in Canada: Cooperation among Regulators and Academia—Missed Opportunities and Needed Changes Mr. George Eynon T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 3021.pdf
3928 An overview on geothical perspectives in the Democratic Republic of Congo Mr. Jean-Robert MWEZE T12.1 - Geoethics - General Aspects PDF icon 3928.pdf
932 Towards Increased Engagement of Geoscientists in Global Sustainable Development Frameworks Mr. Joel Gill T12.1 - Geoethics - General Aspects PDF icon 932.pdf
155 The International Mineral Reporting Codes – The importance of the Competent Person Mr. Ken Lomberg T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 155.pdf
1101 Geo-Ethics: What to do when Approval Authority Decisions contradict Sound Science? Mr. Mark Priddle T12.4 - Geoethics - Case Studies PDF icon 1101.pdf
3708 Geology for Society – engaging geoscientists, policy-makers and the public in meeting our future resource needs sustainably Mr. Nic Bilham T12.3 - Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication PDF icon 3708.pdf
5607 Discussion Topic 5: Geoethics for society: is it possible? (Panel discussion) Mr. Nic Bilham T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
2142 The development of Canada’s Competency Profile for Professional Geoscientists at Entry to Practice Mr. Oliver Bonham T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 2142.pdf
2146 A Review of International Disciplinary Measures in Professional Geoscience - both Procedures and Actions Mr. Oliver Bonham T12.10 - Ethical Practice In Geoscience PDF icon 2146.pdf
5580 The IUGS Task Group on Global Geoscience Professionalism – the forum of exchange on professionalism and ethics for all of the world’s geoscience communities. Mr. Oliver Bonham T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 5580.pdf
