35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Numbersort descending Title Presenting Author Session Abstract
1883 Sea level reconstructions at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary: southwestern margin of the Neotethys in the Salt Range, Pakistan Mr. SHAHID IQBAL T47.9 - Tethys birth to demise: Stratigraphy, Palaeogeography and Tectonic Evolution / The Jurassic System: Timing and causes of major transitions in climate, ecology and biogeochemical cycles on land and in the oceans PDF icon 1883.pdf
1884 Physical property analyses using pressure cores recovered from the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Korea Dr. Joo Yong Lee T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 1884.pdf
1885 Earthquake hazard in Himalayan region: How to mitigate? Dr. Harsh Kumar Gupta T8.12 - Geohazards: Prevention, risk reduction, early warning and preparedness PDF icon 1885.pdf
1886 Hydrocarbons in Northern German salt domes – content, distribution, origin and structural position Mr. Maximilian Pusch T37.1 - Clays and Clay Minerals / Fluid and melt inclusion in Minerals PDF icon 1886.pdf
1887 How fractographic analyses uncover complex trends of modern and palaeo principal stresses Dr. Martin Ziegler T15.8 - Sustainable use of the subsurface: the geology, engineering and environment of our underground asset PDF icon 1887.pdf
1888 Investigation of Artificial Water Reservoir Triggered Earthquake at Koyna, India Dr. Harsh Kumar Gupta T8.3 - Geohazards and societal benefits: coping with reality PDF icon 1888.pdf
1889 Geoethical Problems of Developing Mineral Resources of Natural Celestial Bodies Dr. Nataliya Nikitina T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 1889.pdf
1890 U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks in the Manzhouli-Erguna, northeastern China and tectonic implications Ms. Wing Sum Regine Tsui T30.13 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 1890.pdf
1891 Did the dioritic intrusions of the Vredefort Dome in South Africa form during the Bushveld event? Mr. Willem Kruger T36.2 - Large Igneous Provinces PDF icon 1891.pdf
1894 Enrichment Mechanism of Source and Seal Coupling Shale Gas of Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation - Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in Sichuan Basin Prof. Zhi Jun Jin T21.16 - Shale gas basins and their resource assessment: global perspectives and challenges / Tight oil and gas reservoirs: recent developments and future challenges / Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 1894.pdf
1896 A case study determining the stability of land affected by shallow under mining for urban development in Old Coronation, Witbank coalfield area Mr. Sibonakaliso Chiliza T15.P1 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 1896.pdf
1897 Climatic induced shift in rainfall zones preserved in Kalahari salt pans Ms. Irka Schüller T28.8 - Climatic controls on sedimentary systems and processes PDF icon 1897.pdf
1899 GEOPORTAL IMK: WEB-BASED APPLICATION FOR EASY ACCESS TO SELECTED SPATIAL GEOLOGICAL DATA OF STATE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF DIONÝZ ŠTÚR, SLOVAKIA. Dr. Marian Zlocha T7.13 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 1899.pdf
1900 Origin of oil and gas and profitable exploration areas in the Platform of Tarim Basin, NW China Prof. Zhi Jun Jin T20.P2 - Petroleum Systems and Exploration
1901 Modern and ancient lagoons of the Namibian coast: sedimentation processes and environmental changes Ms. Irka Schüller T28.P2 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 1901.pdf
1903 The Identification of Magnetic Stripes: Corrected Age of Seafloor Spreading in the South China Sea Basin Prof. Xiaohong Meng T31.P4 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 1903.pdf
1905 Early mining geochemical anomalies at around 3000 years BP as a potential stratigraphic marker for the base of an early Anthropocene Professor Michael Wagreich T47.16 - Phanerozoic Earth History, Stratigraphy and the Geologic Time Scale / Cretaceous time scale and sea-level changes, and Cretaceous Asia-Pacific Ecosystems (IGCP 609, IGCP 608, ICDP Songliao basin) -- Part 1 / Anthropocene: Utility and Definition PDF icon 1905.pdf
1906 Metallogeny of Arctic Norway Mr. J.S. Sandstad T41.9 - Mineral and energy resources of the Arctic PDF icon 1906.pdf
1908 Phytomining: Investigation on the gold hyperaccumulation capacity of wheat using pot trials and tailings dump material as a substrate Ms. Tshiamo Legoale T14.4 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 1908.pdf
1911 To the problem of rhenium extraction in the areas of modern volcanism Dr. Igor Spiridonov T18.P2 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1911.pdf
1915 Recovery of valuable elements from Platinum Group Metal (PGM) tailings and synthesis of iron-based materials Ms. Sameera Mohamed T23.13 - Precious Metals PGMs & Gold PDF icon 1915.pdf
1916 Paleoproterozoic banded iron formation-hosted high-grade hematite iron ore deposits of the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa Dr. Albertus Smith T18.10 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 1916.pdf
1918 Geophysical Investigation for Engineering Site Characterizations of Wachamo University, North-east of Hosanna, Southern Ethiopia Mr. Yonatan Garkebo Doyoro T15.P3 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 1918.pdf
1920 THE AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY USING NON-MAGNETIC UNMANNED AERIAL PLATFORM IN KALUGA REGION (RUSSIA) Dr Sergey Cherkasov T45.5 - Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)-based technologies for geology and Earth sciences / Applications of X-ray computed tomography in the Earth Sciences PDF icon 1920.pdf
1921 Mapping tectonics: a key element in submarine geological events and probabilities assessment Dr. Filomena Loreto T40.11 - Uncovering the great unknown – mapping the Earth’s ocean floor PDF icon 1921.pdf
1922 The correlation between the deposition and its regional tectonics in the Jurassic Yabulai Basin, Northwestern China Mr. Haiyang Cao T47.P2 - Phanerozoic Earth History, Stratigraphy and the Geologic Time Scale PDF icon 1922.pdf
1923 Spatial hazard assessment using simplicial indicator kriging Dr. JJ Egozcue T16.9 - Statistical analysis of compositional data. Theory and applications to Earth Sciences PDF icon 1923.pdf
1926 Transformation of natural sedimentation and geochemical conditions in the area of underwater extraction of ferromanganese concretions in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea). Dr. Vladimir Zhamoida T14.4 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 1926.pdf
1931 Pre- and co-seismic surface deformation of graviquakes: the 1997 Colfiorito earthquake (Northern Apennines, Italy) Ms. Emanuela Valerio T9.14 - Use of radar remote sensing in geological applications / Challenges and opportunities in achieving global remote sensing of surface minerals PDF icon 1931.pdf
1932 Energized fracturing fluids as an alternative for effective stimulation of shales gas formation Master of Science Klaudia Wilk T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 1932.pdf
1933 Geothermal heat from generated geothermal energy systems (GeneSys) Dr. Peter Gerling T22.9 - Geothermal Energy PDF icon 1933.pdf
1934 Species-specific Fe-isotopes on Palaeoproterozoic BIF and their implications Mr. Paul Oonk T32.11 - Redox texture of the Archean atmosphere and ocean PDF icon 1934.pdf
1935 Alteration mineralogy of Karisimbi products from well KW01 through Geothermal Prospect, Nyabihu District, NW-Rwanda Dr. Digne Edmond Rwabuhungu Rwatangabo T22.P4 - Energy in a Carbon Constrained World PDF icon 1935.pdf
1938 How closing the Sperrgebiet affected geological research: a brief history Dr. Martin Pickford T10.3 - History of Geology in Africa PDF icon 1938.pdf
1940 The early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Russian Altai: implications from meta-sedimentary complexes in the Charysh-Terekta-Ulagan-Sayan suture zone Dr. Min Sun T30.10 - Geodynamic and metallogenic processes in the Tianshan orogen and adjacent areas, Central Asia PDF icon 1940.pdf
1941 Paleoproterozoic PGE-bearing Monchetundra Massif (Fennoscandian Shield): Isotope-Geochemical Nd-Sr Features of the Mafic Rocks Mr. Evgeniy Kunakkuzin T36.2 - Large Igneous Provinces PDF icon 1941.pdf
1942 Deep Structure Maps of Northern, Central and Eastern Asia Dr. Evgenia Milshtein T31.14 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 1942.pdf
1943 Geotectonic setting and paleogeography of a c. 565 Ma old Cadomian glaciation in NW Gondwana constrained by zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotopes, and peri-Gondwanan zircon provinces Prof. Dr. Ulf Linnemann T30.15b - The Tectonic Evolution of Gondwana IGCP 628 PDF icon 1943.pdf
1944 Submission and dissemination of geological data for the territory of the Russian Federation using the CGI standards to ensure international data exchange Mr. Leonid Chesalov T7.9 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 1944.pdf
1945 Evolution of the Amu Darya Basin: interplay between tectonics and inherited structures Dr. Marie-Francoise Brunet T30.10 - Geodynamic and metallogenic processes in the Tianshan orogen and adjacent areas, Central Asia PDF icon 1945.pdf
1946 Information-analytical basis for geological mapping of the ocean floor. Mrs. Natalia Kolchina T17.P4 - Mineral Exploration PDF icon 1946.pdf
1948 Burial and exhumation history of southernmost Norway: epeirogenic uplifts before and after NE Atlantic break-up Dr. Peter Japsen T30.15 - Dynamic Africa: integrating constraints on the post-Gondwana topographic evolution of Africa and adjacent continents from the core mantle boundary PDF icon 1948.pdf
1950 In situ U-Pb zircon dating on sedimentary and granitoid rocks in Imjingang Belt, North Korea Dr. Yanbin Zhang T33.P5 - The Proterozoic Earth PDF icon 1950.pdf
1951 Hydrogeochemistry of Groundwater in a part of Alluvial terrain in Central India Prof. Laxmi Prasad Chourasia T5.P2 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 1951.pdf
1952 A 3D Geological Model of the North German Basin Dr. Christian Mueller T3.7 - Regional Geological Mapping PDF icon 1952.pdf
1953 Main types of Platinum-Group Element Mineralization in the Fedorovatundra layered intrusion, Kola Peninsula, Russia Dr. Nikolay Groshev T18.10a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1953.pdf
1955 The mountains of South Norway and East Greenland reached their present elevation long after Atlantic break-up Dr. Peter Japsen T30.P4 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 1955.pdf
1958 The recovery of chrome from spiral tailing dumps. Ms. Duduetsang Tlhabane T17.P4 - Mineral Exploration PDF icon 1958.pdf
1959 The role of fractional crystallization and magma mixing in the geochemical and mineralogical evolution of silicate rocks at the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano (northern Tanzania) Ms. Anna Balashova T46.15 - Volcanism in Africa PDF icon 1959.pdf
1960 The DARIUS Palaeotectonic Maps: Evolution of the Central Tethys domain since the Middle Permian Mr. Eric Barrier T47.8 - IGCP 630: Permian and Triassic integrated Stratigraphy and Climatic, Environmental and Biotic Extremes / Tethys birth to demise: Stratigraphy, Palaeogeography and Tectonic Evolution PDF icon 1960.pdf
