35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Titlesort ascending Presenting Author Session Abstract
3874 Prairie Mound Morphology and Age in the Arkansas River Valley, south-central United States Dr. Brad Lee T6.P1 - Soil Science PDF icon 3874.pdf
4650 Practical Application of Gy Sampling Theory in Mining: An Example from Mogalakwena Open Pit Pt Mine Mr. Trust Muzondo T16.7 - Geostatistics for Geological Resources Modeling PDF icon 4650.pdf
2815 Pozzolanic reactions of calcined clays: study to an improved utilization Prof. Lidia Catarino T15.P1 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 2815.pdf
2991 Potential rare earth element metallogenetic belts in Africa Dr. Kathryn Goodenough T25.6 - Critical Metals in Intracontinental Geodynamic Settings PDF icon 2991.pdf
2096 Potential of spaceborne imaging spectroscopy for surface mineral detection in northern latitudes Dr. Benoit Rivard T9.14 - Use of radar remote sensing in geological applications / Challenges and opportunities in achieving global remote sensing of surface minerals PDF icon 2096.pdf
1644 Potential of sinkhole precursor detection through interferometric SAR Mr. Andre Theron T9.13 - Analyzing Geohazards and Risk Using Remotely Sensed Derived Datasets / Use of radar remote sensing in geological applications PDF icon 1644.pdf
3652 Potential mapping with interpolated covariables Mr. Helmut Schaeben T17.11 - Quantitative geoscience data analysis for mineral exploration targeting PDF icon 3652.pdf
1111 Postseismic deformation associated with the 2010 Yushu, China Ms7.1 earthquake from GPS measurements Prof. Guo-jie Meng T30.2 - Geology and Tectonics Of the Himalayan Orogenic Belt PDF icon 1111.pdf
3330 Post-collisional granitoids and mid-Cretaceous (117-106 Ma) extension in tectonic evolution of Chukotka Mesozoides, Northeast Russia Mrs. Marina Luchitskaya T41.P4 - Arctic and Antarctic Geoscience PDF icon 3330.pdf
3941 POST RIFT EVOLUTON OF THE INDIAN MARGIN OF SOUTHERN AFRICA Guillaume Baby T30.16 - Dynamic Africa: integrating constraints on the post-Gondwana topographic evolution of Africa and adjacent continents from the core mantle boundary PDF icon 3941.pdf
3120 Post Indian plate-Kohistan Island Arc collision tectonics of the northwest Himalaya at the Main Mantle Thrust, Lower Swat, Pakistan Dr. Asghar Ali T30.4a - Interrelationship between Deformation and Metamorphism during Orogenesis PDF icon 3120.pdf
83 Post collision magmatism and metallogeny at the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula, SE-Europe Prof. Todor Serafimovski T18.P2 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 83.pdf
2032 Possible environmental causes and implications of corrosion on housing structures (Bontleng): A case study Ms. Portia Tshepiso Letlole T14.P3 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 2032.pdf
70 Possible analogs of Witwatersrand in the North Asian Craton Prof. Victor Starostin T27.15 - Geology of Gold Deposits (sponsored by SGA and SEG) / Geochemistry of Lode Gold Deposits (sponsored by SGA and SEG) PDF icon 70.pdf
2729 Possibility of describing sand grain morphology by image analysis Dr. Ritsuko Sugita T6.P2 - Soil Science PDF icon 2729.pdf
5118 Portable X-ray Fluorescence (PXRF) Spectrometry of Soils: Method Limitations Dr. Elisa Bergslien T6.3 - Forensic Soil Science and Geology: held in association with 5th International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics PDF icon 5118.pdf
4735 Porphyry copper enrichment linked to excess aluminium in plagioclase Dr. Ben Williamson T18.1 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 4735.pdf
1348 Porosity well logging prediction for tight oil reservoirs with variable matrix parameter in Zahaquan area, Qaidam Basin Prof. ZHANG Xiaoli T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 1348.pdf
198 Porosity Evolution of Lacustrine Organic-matter-rich Shales in China Dr. Xiufen Zhai T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 198.pdf
2644 Pore Structure Research and Application of Rate-controlled Mercury Penetration at Chang 7 Tight Oil Reservoir at Ordos Basin Ms. Xu Zhu T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 2644.pdf
2584 Pore structure characteristics and controlling factors of mud stone and shale of the 3rd section of Es3 in Zhanhua Sag Mr. Chuanxiang Ning T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 2584.pdf
1526 Pore Pressure Prediction in Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments of Krishna-Godavari Basin, India Dr. Rima Chatterjee T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 1526.pdf
2307 Pore fluid evolution, distribution and water-rock interactions of carbonate cements in red-bed sandstone reservoirs in the Dongying Depression, China Dr. Jian Wang T35.P2 - Isotope Geoscience PDF icon 2307.pdf
1438 Polyoxoniobates from Cajati, São Paulo, Brazil Dr. Daniel Atencio T37.4 - Gems: bringing the World together PDF icon 1438.pdf
1686 Polymorphs and morphologies of calcium carbonate induced by inorganic and organic additives Dr. Hong Li T37.6 - Mineralogy PDF icon 1686.pdf
1623 Polymetallic mineralizations in the Fueguian Collisional Orogen, Southern Patagonia, Argentina: Syngentic or epigenetic deposits? New metallogenic insights Dr. Eduardo Zappettini T18.P5 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1623.pdf
1602 Polymetallic and Nitrogen Carbide Debris in Ferruginous Palaeosol from the Libyan Desert Glass Area, SW Egypt: Further Evidence of a Cometary Origin for the Diamond-bearing Hypatia Stone Dr. Marco Achille Giacomo Andreoli T48.3 - Meteorite Impacts and Meteorite studies PDF icon 1602.pdf
1573 Pollution Potential Mechanisms of Urban Aquifers of Greater Bangalore using Remote Sensing Techniques -A case study , Karnataka, South India Dr. Hanumanahally Kambadarangappa Ramaraju T3.8 - Geoscience for environmental management PDF icon 1573.pdf
1218 Pollution Characteristics of Nitrogen and Isotopic Analysis of Shallow Groundwater in the Sewage Irrigation Areas of Kuihe River, China Prof. Jinguo Wang T14.P3 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 1218.pdf
3568 Policyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soils, Water Sediments and Post-Flotation Wastes in Kitwe Region (Copperbelt, Zambia) Prof. Stanislaw Wolkowicz T14.3 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 3568.pdf
2192 Poisson’s ratio and porosity in deep seismic zone under Izu-Bonin, Japan Dr. Guoming Jiang T31.P5 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 2192.pdf
594 Plume-related magmatic systems and their roots: Evidence from large igneous provinces and mantle xenoliths in basalts Dr. Evgenii Sharkov T36.1 - Large Igneous Provinces PDF icon 594.pdf
2039 PLSR and XRD for process monitoring and exploration of ores Dr. Sabine Verryn T23.14 - Applied Mineralogy and Geometallurgy: Technology PDF icon 2039.pdf
2047 Plio-Pleistocene hominin evolution in the Malawi Rift: Persistent C3 vegetation in heterogeneous wooded savanna ecosystems Mrs. Tina Luedecke T44.11 - Palaeontology and Palaeo-anthropology PDF icon 2047.pdf
4332 Pleistocene-Holocene seismoturbidite succession above the Lwandle-Nubia plate boundary, offshore South Africa Dr John Rogers T8.6 - Crustal deformation and seismotectonics in Africa: Active faulting and earthquake hazard assessment PDF icon 4332.pdf
4738 Platinum-group mineral composition and mineralogy of LG6 and LG6a chromitites of the western Bushveld Complex, South Africa Mr. Kai Bachmann T23.13 - Precious Metals PGMs & Gold PDF icon 4738.pdf
1384 Platinum-group element contents of some Karelian and Kaapvaal kimberlites: implications for the PGE budget of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle Prof. Wolfgang Maier T18.6 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 1384.pdf
4560 Platinum mining in western Bushveld - A relation between primary mineral alteration and loss of recovery in PGEs Mr. Bennard Van Heerden T18.13 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 4560.pdf
3628 Platinum group minerals in oxidised chromitite layers and their behaviour during chromite concentration: a process mineralogy approach Mr. Themba Mothupi T23.13 - Precious Metals PGMs & Gold PDF icon 3628.pdf
4521 Platinum Group Metals Waterberg PGE deposit discovery. Mr. Gordon Chunnett T18.13 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 4521.pdf
4477 Platinum group elements in south Longzhou Mountains, Sichuan, SW China Dr. Marian Munteanu T18.P2 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4477.pdf
3936 Plate Tectonics by the Einstein´s Theory of Relativity Dr. Nivaldo Destro T30.P3 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 3936.pdf
5209 Plate flexure and the evolution of foreland basins Dr. Anthony Watts T29.6 - Recent advances in foreland basin systems PDF icon 5209.pdf
5232 Plate flexure and the development of depositional cycles in sedimentary basins Dr. James Moore T29.3 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution
4951 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Enhance Plant Drought Stress Tolerance: Physicochemical and Hydrological Changes in Rhizospheric Soil Prof. Yan Jin T6.4 - Soil Science PDF icon 4951.pdf
437 Planktonic foraminifer record of a stronger Indian winter monsoon during the Last Glacial period in a deep sea core from the equatorial Indian Ocean Mr. SUBHRADEEP DAS Mr. SANJEEV RAGHAV T4.10 - Speleothem and Speleogenesis: Past Climate Change, Monsoon and Geomicrobiological Process PDF icon 437.pdf
182 Planetary and astrobiological significance of Canary Islands (Spain): review, state-of-the-art and future developments Prof. Dr. Jesús Martínez-Frías T48.2 - Planetary Geoscience PDF icon 182.pdf
111 Planar deformation bands in zircon: a new evidence of seismicity Dr. Elizaveta Kovaleva T31.11 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 111.pdf
3444 Plagioclase morphology and compositional variation determined using automated mineralogical analysis: What does it mean? Dr.(c) Osvaldo González-Maurel T37.P2 - Mineralogy PDF icon 3444.pdf
408 Plagioclase Megacrysts in Proterozoic Leucogabbronorite Dyke from Bastar Craton, Central India: Melt-crystal interaction at crustal level. Dr. Muduru lachhana Dora T33.14 - Proterozoic magmatic processes; insights into the crustal growth and accretionary events in diverse tectonic settings PDF icon 408.pdf
