35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Title Presenting Authorsort ascending Session Abstract
2619 Identification of foraminifera and research on sedimentary microfacies in Well ZK17503 in southern Sichuan Mr. Yunzhao Zhang T28.P2 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 2619.pdf
2621 Tight reservoir of Lucaogou formation in Jimusar sag, Junggar basin Mr. Yunzhao Zhang T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 2621.pdf
2610 Formation Mechanism of Bedding Fractures in the Lucaogou Formation Tight Reservoir in Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin Mr. Yunzhao Zhang T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 2610.pdf
4296 Geological Features of Global Geoparks in China Mr. Yuanyuan Zheng T1.7 - Heritage, conservation and management / Geoheritage and Geoparks PDF icon 4296.pdf
856 Lithofacies and Sedimentary Micro-facies of Fine-grained Sedimentary Rocks in the Second Member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Sag Mr. Yuan Deng T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 856.pdf
890 Several Issues in Studies on Fine-grained Sedimentary Rocks Mr. Yuan Deng T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 890.pdf
799 Petrological and Mineralogical Characteristics Discussion of Diamond-bearing Mother Rock in Zhenyuan Area, Guizhou Mr. Yuan Cheng Huang T18.P2 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 799.pdf
948 Formation Mechanism of Authigenic Grain-Coating Chlorite and Sequence Response: Evidences from the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Southern Sichuan Basin, China Mr. Yu Yu T18.10a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 948.pdf
4157 Oriented inclusions and nanoparticles in aptite in the Sulu UHP terrane, eastern China Mr. Yu Hong T38.14 - Microscale is the key: microstructural and microchemical studies of metamorphic processes to unravel compositional and geodynamic evolution of the Earth PDF icon 4157.pdf
4065 Desktop Toys for Educational Seismology -Random or Periodic? Before or After?- Mr. Yoshio Okamoto T2.10 - Educational Seismology in Secondary Schools / Field-Based Geoscience Education: A YES Network Comparison / Geoscience Education in Africa: Challenges & PerspectivesGeoscience Education at school level /Geoscience Education: technology & training t PDF icon 4065.pdf
4066 Low-Cost and Easy-Made Horizontal Seismometer with Arduino for Educational Use -Demonstration and Observation-- Mr. Yoshio Okamoto T2.P3 - Geoscience Education and Public Communication PDF icon 4066.pdf
3917 Contrasting geochemical characteristics in adjacent units of Archean greenstones in the Chitradurga schist belt, Southern India Mr. Yoshihiro Enya T32.P5 - The Hadean and Archaean Earth PDF icon 3917.pdf
1485 New paleomagnetic results from the Mesozoic rocks of the Indochina block Mr. Yonggang Yan T30.11 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 1485.pdf
2234 Groundwater circulation and hydrogeochemical evolution in a typical alluvial-lacustrine plain of Qaidam Basin, Northwestern China Mr. Yong Xiao T5.6 - Hydro-geochemistry and contamination of groundwater [A YES NETWORK INITIATIVE] PDF icon 2234.pdf
1918 Geophysical Investigation for Engineering Site Characterizations of Wachamo University, North-east of Hosanna, Southern Ethiopia Mr. Yonatan Garkebo Doyoro T15.P3 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 1918.pdf
1319 Geochemical characteristics and metallogenic significance of igneous rocks from Zhunuo porphyry copper deposit, Tibet Mr. Ying-Chun Pang T18.3 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 1319.pdf
2574 Characteristics of fault system in Enping sag Mr. Yiming Liu T29.P5 - Basin Formation and Continental Margins PDF icon 2574.pdf
597 Controlling Factors of Pore Types in Shale Reservoirs from the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in Eastern Sichuan Basin, China Mr. Yikai Geng T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 597.pdf
4089 A multi-faceted approach to mine water source determination in South Africa. A review Mr. Yazeed Van Wyk T14.P2 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 4089.pdf
4747 Relation of magnetite composition to magnetic susceptibility in Mauritian basalts Mr. Yashirvad Thakurdin T37.4 - Gems: bringing the World together PDF icon 4747.pdf
109 Tectonic Framework of Orogenic belts and Basins System in abdomen of Asia Mr. Yang Zhanlong T30.4 - Geology and Tectonics Of the Himalayan Orogenic Belt PDF icon 109.pdf
1819 Melting of subducted slab in the Chinese Altai during Devonian and its tectonic implications Mr. Yang Yu T30.12 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 1819.pdf
2003 Characterization of Compact Carbonate Pore-Throat Network Systems using NMR and Nano-CT Techniques: Case Study from Xiagou Formation (K1g) in Qingxi Sag, Jiuquan Basin, China Mr. Yan Zhao T20.P2 - Petroleum Systems and Exploration PDF icon 2003.pdf
4261 Source and evolution of ore fluids of the Daqiao sediment-hosted gold deposit, western Qinling orogen, China: revealed from in situ sulfur isotope analysis of sulfides Mr. Ya-Fei Wu T18.8a - Sediment-hosted ore deposits PDF icon 4261.pdf
2384 Zonality and Otherness of Mineralization for Massive Sulfide Deposit in the Chengmenshan Orefield, Jiangxi Province, China Mr. Xuhui Li T18.13a - Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 2384.pdf
403 Mid-Neoproterozoic magmatic evolution in the northeastern margin of the Indochina block, SW China: Geochronological and petrogenetic constraints and implications for Gondwana assembly Mr. Xuexiang Qi T30.7a - Supercontinent Cycles and Global Geodynamics (convened by IGCP 648) PDF icon 403.pdf
493 Application of High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in Rift Lacustrine Basin – A Case Study of Shahejie Formation, Paleogene, Gaoliu Area, Northeast Bohai Bay Basin, China Mr. Xue Song Fan T20.7 - Petroleum Systems of Eurasia PDF icon 493.pdf
4940 Reassessing processes of primary deposition and diagenesis of iron and manganese, using cm-scale variations in iron and carbon isotope ratios of the Palaeoproterozoic Hotazel Formation, South Africa. Mr. Xolane Mhlanga T33.P5 - The Proterozoic Earth PDF icon 4940.pdf
4628 Geochemical characteristics of trace elements and their implications of the Xingyuanchong Cu polymetallic deposit northwest of Jiangxi province for Qingzhou-Hangzhou metallogenic belt (QHMB), China Mr. Xingyuan Li T18.P3 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4628.pdf
1797 Mixed Hydrothermal and Biogenic Origin of Composited Quartz Aggregate in Lacustrine Shale of Lucaogou Formation, Santanghu Basin, NW China Mr. Xin Jiao T28.15 - Continental Sedimentation/ Reading the record of shales: archives of past process, climate and life PDF icon 1797.pdf
2648 Engineering properties of Chinese loess discharged from the Yellow River into the sea Mr. Xiaolei Liu T15.12 - Soil and rock mechanics PDF icon 2648.pdf
1128 Ecology and phylogenetic affinity of the early Cambrian tubular microfossil Megathrix longus Mr. Xiaodong Shang T44.9 - The Dawn of Animals: Cryogenian to Cambrian PDF icon 1128.pdf
449 Phase Equilibria Modelling and Zircon Age Dating of pelitic granulites in Zhaojiayao, from the Jining Group of the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton Mr. Xianwei Li T38.5 - Metamorphic processes in early Earth evolution PDF icon 449.pdf
1315 Neoproterozoic magmatism and its tectonic significance in northern Altyn Tagh tectonic belt Mr. XianFeng Zha T30.9 - Geodynamic and metallogenic processes in the Tianshan orogen and adjacent areas, Central Asia PDF icon 1315.pdf
2470 Seabed mapping of a deep-water basin; towards completing a broad-scale seabed substrate map of Ireland’s offshore Mr. Xavier Monteys T40.P1 - Marine Geosciences and Oceanography PDF icon 2470.pdf
64 Igneous Phosphate Resources of East and South east Africa Mr. Wondafrash Mammo Ghebre T6.2 - History and Future of Forensic Soil Science and Geology / Recent Developments PDF icon 64.pdf
3247 Trace element signatures of iron oxides in BIF-style iron deposits of the Middleback Ranges, South Australia Mr. William Keyser T18.9a - Trace element analysis of minerals: applications in ore geology (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 3247.pdf
1695 A FIELD-BASED METHOD FOR TEACHING UNIFORMITARIAN PRINCIPLES USING TRACKWAY RECONSTRUCTIONS Mr. William Garcia T2.P3 - Geoscience Education and Public Communication PDF icon 1695.pdf
1891 Did the dioritic intrusions of the Vredefort Dome in South Africa form during the Bushveld event? Mr. Willem Kruger T36.2 - Large Igneous Provinces PDF icon 1891.pdf
3059 The Auriferous Mississagi and Matinenda Paleoplacer Formations of the Huronian Basin Mr. Wesley Whymark T27.12 - The Crustal Gold Cycle (jointly sponsored by SEG and SGA) PDF icon 3059.pdf
2900 Tectonostratigraphic evolution of an inverted rift basin inferred from multi-scale aeromagnetic and gravity datasets: a case study from the Ghanzi Ridge portion of the Kalahari Copperbelt, Botswana Mr. Wesley Hall T29.4 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution PDF icon 2900.pdf
1624 Analyses on Formation Conditions of Paleogene Stratigraphic-lithologic Reservoirs in Large Slope Area in Qikou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin Mr. Wenzhong Han T20.P2 - Petroleum Systems and Exploration PDF icon 1624.pdf
4651 Phosphorites' Sedimentary Event in Sinian Doushantuo period: the Cases Study of Weng'an Phosphorite and Yichang Phosphorite Mr. Wentian Mi T18.9a - Trace element analysis of minerals: applications in ore geology (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 4651.pdf
4652 Relationships between concentration of phosphorus and evolutionary of small shelly faunas from the Cambrian Maidiping Formation, China Mr. Wentian Mi T18.16a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4652.pdf
4656 Studying on Paleogene Sedimentary records of the south Depression of Nyima basin in Tibet Mr. Wentian Mi T28.P4 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 4656.pdf
762 Diagenesis and its Impact on the Reservoir Quality of Chang 7 Tight Sandstones in Ordos Basin, China Mr. Wenchao Dou T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 762.pdf
372 Analysis of Basin–Range Coupling Mechanisms during Epeirogenetic Uplift – A Case Study of Tectonic Coupling in the Songpan–Ganzi Plateau–Longmen Mountain–Sichuan Basin Region Mr. Wei Long T30.17c - The geodynamics of Phanerozoic sea level change PDF icon 372.pdf
4874 Mafic rocks along the Kasai River (DRC/Angola) Mr. Wean Welgemoed T36.P1 - Magmatism - Settings, Compositions and Processes PDF icon 4874.pdf
629 Improving competency and professionalism in the Australian Institute of Geoscientists Mr. Wayne Spilsbury T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 629.pdf
3996 Classification, mineralogical and geochemical variations in pegmatites of the Cape Cross –Uis pegmatite belt, Namibia. Mr. Warrick Fuchsloch T36.P2 - Magmatism - Settings, Compositions and Processes PDF icon 3996.pdf
