35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Numbersort descending Title Presenting Author Session Abstract
491 Geomorphic signature of Paleo-seismic landslides- Studies from parts of the active seismo-tectonic domain of Nagaland, North East India Mr. Niroj Kumar Sarkar T8.11 - Geohazards: Prevention, risk reduction, early warning and preparedness PDF icon 491.pdf
492 40Ar/39Ar age for the fossil-bearing Tiaojishan Formation in NE China Dr. Su-Chin Chang T44.1 - IGCP 632 Continental Crises of the Jurassic: Major extinction events and environmental changes PDF icon 492.pdf
493 Application of High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in Rift Lacustrine Basin – A Case Study of Shahejie Formation, Paleogene, Gaoliu Area, Northeast Bohai Bay Basin, China Mr. Xue Song Fan T20.7 - Petroleum Systems of Eurasia PDF icon 493.pdf
494 Palaeopedologic investigations from the intrabasaltic bole beds (palaeosols) occuring in the Bopdev ghat section of the Deccan Traps, south of Pune (India): Implications for palaeoclimates during Deccan volcanism. Dr. Ravindrasing Pardeshi T4.P2 - Climate Change Studies PDF icon 494.pdf
496 Application of Multithematic GIS Modelling techniques for Mineral potential mapping along the Khodana-Narnaul area as a part of the North-East extension of Khetri Copper Belt. Mrs. Moumita Mitra Sinha Mrs. Babita Yadav T7.P3 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 496.pdf
498 Mineral magnetic studies of the intrabasaltic bole beds from the Deccan Volcanic Province (India): Implications to their palaeoenvironmental conditions. Mr. Irfan Shaikh T4.P2 - Climate Change Studies PDF icon 498.pdf
503 Hydrogeochemistry of Ukraine’s groundwater system and its impact on public health Prof. Georgii Rudko T5.P1 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 503.pdf
504 Quantitative analysis of periglacial lake sediments from Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica: implications for Late Quaternary depositional environment Mr. Prakash Kumar Shrivastava T41.17 - Antarctic Earth Science / Precambrian Geology of Antarctica PDF icon 504.pdf
505 REE enriched Carbonatite from Kamthai area, Barmer district, Rajasthan, India: imprints of a d34S depleted mantle source. Mr. Subhasish Ghosh T31.11 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 505.pdf
506 Record Drilling Research Wells in the Karoo Basin Dr. Hermann Lauferts T20.3 - Off-shore petroleum systems of eastern Africa (convened by ENI S.p.A.) / Petroleum systems of the Atlantic margin of Africa (convened by BP Plc) PDF icon 506.pdf
508 Geology, the regulated discipline in Europe - A historical review and a vision Dr. Tamas Hamor T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 508.pdf
510 Geologic Carbon Storage at a One Million Tonne Demonstration Project: Lessons Learned from the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project, USA Dr. Sallie E Greenberg T22.7 - Carbon capture and storage – From reservoir through the full value chain PDF icon 510.pdf
513 The real process of river capture in mountainous regions Prof. Jiagui Zhang T42.P4 - Surficial Processes and Landscape Evolution PDF icon 513.pdf
514 Hypothesis of a Thin Methane Gas-sphere between Earth’s Crust and Mantle Prof. Zhong-Qi Quentin YUE T30.15a - Geo-hazards and Sustainable Development under climate change scenario PDF icon 514.pdf
515 Episodic burial and exhumation of the southern margin of Africa before and after breakup Dr. Paul Green T30.15 - Dynamic Africa: integrating constraints on the post-Gondwana topographic evolution of Africa and adjacent continents from the core mantle boundary PDF icon 515.pdf
517 The Strategic Plan of the Australian Geoscience Council – development, implementation and early results Dr. Bill Shaw T2.11 - Geoscience Education and Public Communication PDF icon 517.pdf
518 Timing of the blueschist-facies metamorphism in the North Qilian orogen Dr. Hao Cheng T38.P5 - Metamorphic Processes PDF icon 518.pdf
519 Small-scale contourite deposits in the El Arraiche area, southern Gulf of Cadiz Mr. Thomas Vandorpe T40.9 - Deep-water circulation: processes & products PDF icon 519.pdf
520 Buried cold-water coral mounds in the Atlantic Moroccan Coral Province Mr. Thomas Vandorpe T40.P4 - Marine Geosciences and Oceanography PDF icon 520.pdf
522 Comparison of Atmospheric CO2 Consumption of Carbonate Rock Weathering with Silicate Rock One in the Pearl River Basin, China Prof. Zhongcheng Jiang T5.P2 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 522.pdf
523 Recent activity in the Eyvanekey foreland basin , Southern Alborz, Iran Dr. Soheila Bouzari T29.5 - Basin Formation and Continental Margins PDF icon 523.pdf
524 U-Pb zircon ages from the Aravalli Craton and Vindhyan Supergroup sediments, Rajasthan – discussion of tectonic implications Dr. Sojen Joy T33.9 - Crustal Evolution in the Indian Peninsula: Special Reference to Central Indian Craton PDF icon 524.pdf
525 Groundwater resources of Burundi. New elements and decision making tools. Dr. Alexis Gutierrez T5.1 - Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry of Arid and Semi-Arid Africa: A Tribute to W. M. Edmunds PDF icon 525.pdf
530 The Naumann elephant Dr. Michiko Yajima T10.2 - General contributuions on the history of geology PDF icon 530.pdf
532 The hydrocarbon trap distributional patterns of the simple slope area of a continental basin: a case study from the Songliao basin, China Prof. Hongyu Wang T20.P2 - Petroleum Systems and Exploration PDF icon 532.pdf
538 Variability of Pb-isotopes in the East Indian Gondwana Coal deposits: its influence on Kolkata street dust Dr. Rajeev Kumar T19.6 - Coal PDF icon 538.pdf
539 Evidence for Mesoarchean magmatism in the Dharwar craton from Sm-Nd isotope studies on mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Chitradurga greenstone belt, India Mr D Kamalakannan T34.4 - Geochronology PDF icon 539.pdf
540 Clumped Isotope Compositions of Marbles from the Backbone Range of Taiwan Dr. Tzen-Fu Yui T35.P2 - Isotope Geoscience PDF icon 540.pdf
541 The Okiep copper mines – the most historic mining district in South Africa Proffessor Bruce Cairncross T10.4 - History of mineral and water resources PDF icon 541.pdf
542 Gemstones of Southern Africa: a tour of the subcontinent Proffessor Bruce Cairncross T37.3 - Gems: bringing the World together PDF icon 542.pdf
543 Estimation of the REV size of fractured rock masses based on blockiness Dr. Lu Xia T15.11 - Slope stability - analysis, investigation and remediation / Soil and rock mechanics PDF icon 543.pdf
544 Mechanical system of coal & gas outburst Dr. Xubiao Deng T19.1 - Coal PDF icon 544.pdf
545 Tectonothermal evolution of Meghalaya Gneissic Complex, NE India: a mimic of Chottanagpur Gneissic Complex during Grenvillian orogeny Mr. Susobhan Neogi T33.9 - Crustal Evolution in the Indian Peninsula: Special Reference to Central Indian Craton PDF icon 545.pdf
546 Proterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic rapakivi granites in China central orogenic system and their implications Prof. Xiaoxia Wang T36.7 - Granites PDF icon 546.pdf
547 Meso-Proterozoic metamorphic evolution of Indian Craton – Studies from Gneissic Complex of West Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, North East India. Mr. Susobhan Neogi T38.3 - Metamorphic processes in early Earth evolution PDF icon 547.pdf
549 The Structural Mapping of an Ocean - data and information Mr. Peter Miles T7.4 - CGMW: International Geoscience Maps in the 21st Century PDF icon 549.pdf
550 Geochronological, geochemical and Sr-Nd–Hf isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis of Cretaceous monzonitic plutons in Zhejiang Province, Southeast China Dr. Jian-Sheng Qiu T36.P2 - Magmatism - Settings, Compositions and Processes PDF icon 550.pdf
551 Middle Pleistocene climate changes in the Central Mediterranean as recorded by soil weathering profiles from the archaeological site of Valle Giumentina (Italy) Dr. Jean-Philippe Degeai T4.P2 - Climate Change Studies PDF icon 551.pdf
552 Conodont zonation for the Lower Triassic of western Tethys - a case study from Slovenia Dr. Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek T47.16 - Phanerozoic Earth History, Stratigraphy and the Geologic Time Scale / Cretaceous time scale and sea-level changes, and Cretaceous Asia-Pacific Ecosystems (IGCP 609, IGCP 608, ICDP Songliao basin) -- Part 1 / Anthropocene: Utility and Definition PDF icon 552.pdf
553 Over Exploitation of Ground Water , It's impact on Aquifer System and Rural Water supply Schemes in Madhugiri Taluk , Tumkur District , Karnataka Mrs. Hemamalini Rajanna T5.P3 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 553.pdf
554 Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Nine Diamond Parcels from the Central African Republic - Is Source Discrimination Possible? Ms. Susan Foulkes T37.3 - Gems: bringing the World together PDF icon 554.pdf
555 Does Astrobiology require an astrobioethical approach? Prof. Jesús Martínez-Frías T48.P1 - Planetary Sciences and Meteorite Impacts PDF icon 555.pdf
556 Paleoclimatic, paleoenvironmental and paleotectonic significance of Middle Jurassic Fe concentrations of Central Sardinia (Italy) Dr. Andrea Vacca T28.P3 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 556.pdf
557 Palynofacies of Permian black shales (Karoo Basin, South Africa): A powerful tool for shale gas exploration Prof. Annette E. Goetz T21.14 - Shale gas basins of the southern hemisphere: stratigraphy, sedimentary environments, climate history, tectonics, and structural evolution PDF icon 557.pdf
558 Thermal alteration of sedimentary organic matter in response to igneous intrusion (Karoo Basin, South Africa) and its implication for shale gas exploration Prof. Annette E. Goetz T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 558.pdf
559 Assessment of the geothermal potential of the Main Karoo Basin (South Africa): An outcrop analogue study of Permian sandstone reservoir formations Professor Annette E. Goetz T22.P3 - Energy in a Carbon Constrained World PDF icon 559.pdf
560 Hydrothermal alteration and gold mineralization of the meta-sedimentary rock hosted gold deposit Awak Mas, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia Mr. Ernowo Harjanto T27.11 - The Crustal Gold Cycle (jointly sponsored by SEG and SGA) PDF icon 560.pdf
562 Late Paleozoic Sediment Routing Systems of the Appalachian Basin – Linkages with Alleghanian Orogenesis Dr. Kenneth Eriksson T28.12 - Detrital Zircons in Basin Analysis: Provenance Reconstruction, Chronostratigraphy, Sediment Routing PDF icon 562.pdf
563 Arab-Islamic scientific heritage, an early episode in the history of volcanology. Mr. Khallaf EL GHALBI T10.6 - General contributuions on the history of geology PDF icon 563.pdf
