35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Title Presenting Authorsort descending Session Abstract
5036 The role of extensional inheritance and surface processes on mountain belt evolution Prof. Ritske S. Huismans T29.6 - Recent advances in foreland basin systems PDF icon 5036.pdf
5043 Orogenic structural inheritance and rifted passive margin formation Prof. Ritske S. Huismans T29.9 - Basin analysis and petroleum exploration offshore Brazil and the conjugate margins in Angola, Namibia and South Africa PDF icon 5043.pdf
5017 Linking lithosphere deformation and sedimentary basin formation over multiple scales Prof. Ritske S. Huismans T29.1 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution PDF icon 5017.pdf
5023 Rifted Continental Margins: The Case for Depth-Dependent Extension Prof. Ritske S. Huismans T29.9 - Basin analysis and petroleum exploration offshore Brazil and the conjugate margins in Angola, Namibia and South Africa PDF icon 5023.pdf
5027 The critical role of extension-orthogonal shears in oblique rift development Prof. Ritske S. Huismans T29.1 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution PDF icon 5027.pdf
5030 Long-term coupling and feedbacks between surface processes and tectonics during rifting Prof. Ritske S. Huismans T29.1 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution PDF icon 5030.pdf
5372 The importance of geological and soil materials as trace evidence in solving criminal investigations in Australia Prof. Robert Fitzpatrick T6.3 - Forensic Soil Science and Geology: held in association with 5th International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics PDF icon 5372.pdf
5395 Interpreting the transfer method of soil evidence on clothing by identifying trace soil patterns Prof. Robert Fitzpatrick T6.3 - Forensic Soil Science and Geology: held in association with 5th International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics PDF icon 5395.pdf
3684 Red Green: Geochemistry of colored siltstones from the Daptocephalus (Dicynodon) and Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zones at Old Lootsberg Pass and Bethulie, South Africa Prof. Robert Gastaldo T47.2 - Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Palaeontology of the Permian–Triassic Boundary Interval, Karoo Basin, South Africa PDF icon 3684.pdf
3384 Further development of a chemistry proxy for geometallurgical modelling at the Mogalakwena Mine Prof. Robert Schouwstra T23.13 - Precious Metals PGMs & Gold PDF icon 3384.pdf
4996 Rare Earth Element Deposits of Africa Prof. Robin Harmer T18.11 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 4996.pdf
1149 Anatomy of a mass extinction: new data on the timing of rapid environmental change and extinction phases at the Permo-Triassic boundary in the main Karoo Basin, South Africa Prof. Roger Smith T47.1 - Anthropocene: Utility and Definition PDF icon 1149.pdf
4820 Thermal evolution of early passive margins formation and consequences on their geophysical signature Prof. Romain Bousquet T29.3 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution PDF icon 4820.pdf
4775 Are the Alps an alpine-type orogeny? A multi-disciplinary mapping project Prof. Romain Bousquet T7.3 - CGMW: International Geoscience Maps in the 21st Century PDF icon 4775.pdf
1143 Crustal Structure Deformation in the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau constraints from Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles Prof. Rui Gao T31.11 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 1143.pdf
3241 Storage Space Characterization and Reservoir Potential of Terrestrial Shale in China Prof. Rukai ZHU T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 3241.pdf
4841 The Discovery of the Neoproterozoic rift-related felsic volcanic rocks in the northern margin of North China Craton: Implications for Rodinia reconstruction and mineral exploration Prof. Runmin Peng T33.13 - Mesoproterozoic Orogens PDF icon 4841.pdf
2494 Remote sensing and airborne geophysics for geological mapping of the Tefedest terrane (Central Hoggar, Algeria). Prof. Safouane Djemai T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 2494.pdf
2498 Multispectral Landsat 7 ETM+ enhancement images and airborne geophysics data processing for geological mapping of the Ahnet terrane (Western Hoggar, Algeria). Prof. Safouane Djemai T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 2498.pdf
5449 The use of fractal analysis for gold exploration in the Manica Mutare Odzi (MMO) greenstone belt Prof. Salvador Mondlane T27.16 - Geochemistry of Lode Gold Deposits (sponsored by SGA and SEG) PDF icon 5449.pdf
2475 Effects of anthropic development in a urban beach of south Sardinia (Italy, western Mediterranean) evaluated using hydrodynamic models, run-up and DSAS indices Prof. Sandro De Muro T14.P3 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 2475.pdf
2623 Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotope of granitoids and microgranular enclaves from Ladakh batholith, Indian Himalaya: Evidence of synchronous mixing-fractionation and chemical re-equilibration Prof. Santosh Kumar T30.4 - Geology and Tectonics Of the Himalayan Orogenic Belt PDF icon 2623.pdf
36 Eruption of Mount Sinabung, North Sumatera, Indonesia, and SMS gateway for disaster early warning system Prof. Sari Bahagiarti Kusumayudha T8.9 - Subaerial and submarine landslide processes and hazards PDF icon 36.pdf
3924 India’s fast Mesozoic drift linked to continental mantle lithosphere delamination: New insights from (U-Th)/He thermochronology of Dharwar craton kimberlites Prof. Sebastian Tappe T30.9B - The dynamic Earth and its Kimberlite, Cratonic Mantle and Diamond record through time PDF icon 3924.pdf
3839 Shelf-edge sand bodies in the western Mediterranean: relict deltas reworked by modern processes Prof. Serge Berné T40.1 - Stratigraphic and morphologic signatures of continental shelves PDF icon 3839.pdf
3814 Tectonics of Wrangel Island, Russian Arctic Prof. Sergey Sokolov T41.15 - Geological History and Mineral Resources of the Circumpolar Arctic / Precambrian Geology of Antarctica PDF icon 3814.pdf
3915 Geology, geochemistry and ore genesis of the Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian phosphorites in South China Prof. Shao Yong Jiang T18.12a - Trace element analysis of minerals: applications in ore geology (Sponsored by IAGOD) / Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential PDF icon 3915.pdf
3991 Age and depositional environment for the Ediacaran Doushantuo phosphorites at Weng’an, South China: Constraints from Re-Os isotopes Prof. Shao-Yong Jiang T18.P4 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3991.pdf
1359 Establishing Australia’s first Body Farm - The Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research (AFTER) Prof. Shari Forbes T6.1 - Forensic Soil Science and Geology PDF icon 1359.pdf
2343 Subduction of the Indian lower crust beneath southern Tibet: Evidence of zircon Hf–O and whole-rock lithium isotopic characteristics of post-collisional potassic and ultrapotassic rocks in SW Tibet Prof. Shihong Tian T30.P3 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 2343.pdf
1176 Strain partitioning and seismotectonics in the east margin of the Tibetan Plateau constrained by river landforms Prof. Shimin Zhang T8.P1 - Geohazards PDF icon 1176.pdf
2516 Geochemical Analysis and Origin of Gas in Volcanic Reservoirs of the Songliao Basin in China Prof. Shizhen Tao T20.7 - Petroleum Systems of Eurasia PDF icon 2516.pdf
3460 Interpreting earthquake-triggered mass transport and soft sediment deformation in Lake Lisan, Dead Sea Basin Prof. Shmuel Marco T43.12 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 3460.pdf
5057 Accretionary tectonic architecture inferred from offset magmatic age signatures between terranes of the Beishan orogenic collage in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW China Prof. Shoufa Lin T30.14 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 5057.pdf
1098 Ophiolites in the Xing’an-Inner Mongolia accretionary belt of the CAOB: Implications for two cycles of seafloor spreading and accretionary orogenic events Prof. Shuguang Song T30.11 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 1098.pdf
4911 Improving the Ediacaran geological time scale for the study of oceanic redox history and early animal evolution Prof. Shuhai Xiao T44.7 - The Dawn of Animals: Cryogenian to Cambrian PDF icon 4911.pdf
9 Gravity Tectonics in Western African Passive Continental Margin in Drift Stage and its Implication in Petroleum Exploration Prof. Shuping Chen T29.8 - Basin analysis and petroleum exploration offshore Brazil and the conjugate margins in Angola, Namibia and South Africa PDF icon 9.pdf
2712 Geological and geomorphological mapping with digital mono- and 3D stereo-photogrammetry. Prof. Silvio Seno T9.P5 - Proximal and Remote Sensing Technologies PDF icon 2712.pdf
2672 The effects of tectonic and stratigraphic inherited discontinuities on fault development and their surface evidences through analogue models Prof. Silvio Seno T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2672.pdf
2674 3D reconstructions of gneiss quarries through long-range laser scanning for a quantitative volume estimation of dimension stones Prof. Silvio Seno T15.P2 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 2674.pdf
2127 Deep Cu-Ag deposits – a chance for progress in the copper industry Prof. Stanislaw Speczik T17.14 - The Mineral system approach: the paradigm and future trends PDF icon 2127.pdf
3565 Outline of the mining history in the Polish Lands Prof. Stanislaw Wolkowicz T10.4 - History of mineral and water resources PDF icon 3565.pdf
3568 Policyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soils, Water Sediments and Post-Flotation Wastes in Kitwe Region (Copperbelt, Zambia) Prof. Stanislaw Wolkowicz T14.3 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 3568.pdf
4663 The oxygen isotope study of zircon grains from Catanda extrusive carbonatite (Angola). Prof. Stanislaw Wolkowicz T35.6 - Isotope Geoscience PDF icon 4663.pdf
277 Basalt weathering processes and landforms in the Lesotho Highlands, southern Africa Prof. Stefan Grab T42.11 - Regolith, paleoweathering and continental surface dynamics: from landscape to the global perspective PDF icon 277.pdf
4107 Structural geology and geochronology of Archaean rocks in the Tonota area, NE Botswana Prof. Stephen McCourt T32.P4 - The Hadean and Archaean Earth PDF icon 4107.pdf
4550 Palaeoecology and palaeoenvironments of Glossopteris forests from the heart of Gondwana: the Lambert Graben, east Antarctica Prof. Stephen McLoughlin T44.4 - Palaeozoic-Mesozoic Ecosystems of Gondwana PDF icon 4550.pdf
924 Implications of new data for late Cretaceous marine transgressions in central peninsular India Prof. Sunil Bajpai T47.10 - Cretaceous sea-level changes and Asia-Pacific Cretaceous Ecosystems (IGCP 609, IGCP 608, ICDP Songliao basin) PDF icon 924.pdf
5404 Bringing diverse talent to the geophysics workforce, a review of the AfricaArray International Geophysics Field School Prof. Susan Webb T2.14 - Geoscience Education and Public Communication PDF icon 5404.pdf
5068 Continental Style Calc-alkaline Plutonism in an Oceanic Island Arc: the Central Aleutian Hidden Bay Pluton Prof. Suzanne Kay T36.8 - Granites PDF icon 5068.pdf
