Frequently Asked Questions

To qualify for a license or recognized certification as a geologist or environmental professional requires demonstrated formal educational achievements. In most cases this includes a college degree in a specific major or covering a specific set of courses. In general these requirements are the minimum requirement for either to take the qualifying exam or for consideration of an application for recognition.

Do I have to get a license to work as a geoscientist?

No, many geoscientists work professionally without a state license. A license or certification is a formal recognition of professional knowledge of the science, application, ethics, and other professional considerations. A license is almost always required for a geologist to sign on official government documents related to technical aspects of their work.

What is the biggest benefit of seeking a license?

Possesing a professional license to practice expands the opportunities for work and career growth. Not holding a license may limit your opportunities, especially in the areas of environmentals and engineering work.

If I have a license in one state, is it valid in other states?

This is call repriocity, and usually one state does not recognize another state’s license like they do a driver’s license. Rather, states have various arrangements to allow geologists licensed in a different state to apply for a license. The specific rules, whether a new license provided as a courtesy or requiring an individual to take an additional exam, varies from various state-to-state matches.

What’s your question? Let us know and we will try to get it answered.

To ask a question, please email Christopher Keane