Rhode Island

General Information on Rhode Island Professional Geologist Licenses

Does state provide a license: No

Sunset and Audit Legislation Information

Most registration and licensure systems include structural approaches to review both the need and operational effectiveness of the process.

Some states provide formal sunset evaluation processes for their licensure programs. Many also include a periodic audit process of the licensure program/agency, which can range from cursory financial reviews to comprehensive evaluation of program effectiveness.

The audit process is often leveraged when political pressure is applied to eliminate geologist licensure, so awareness of the history and codes for audits and sunset evaluations is critical to montioring the health of the licensure within the state.

Current modes for sunsetting evaluation: Sunset review

Sunset regulation name: Legislative Oversight Commission

Sunset statute: State of Rhode Island General Laws, Title 22. General Assembly, Chapter 14. Legislative Oversight Commission

Sunset statute reference: http://webserver.rilin.state.ri.us/Statutes/

Sunset committee: Legislative Oversight Committee

Sunset committee website: http://webserver.rilin.state.ri.us/ComMembers/ComMemr.asp?ComChoiceR=HCOO

Sunset notes: Individual statutes may have a sunset provisions and repeal dates written into their subsections.

Auditor name: State of Rhode Island, Department of Administration, Office of Management and Budget

Auditor website: http://www.omb.ri.gov/internal-audit/

Audit legislation committee: Senate Committee on Finance and House Finance Committee

Audit legislation committee website: http://webserver.rilin.state.ri.us/CommitteeMembers/

Audit notes: It does not appear that professional licensure boards are audited.

Audit reference: Regulatory review summary

Audit reference website: http://www.omb.ri.gov/reform/reg-submission/index.php

Sunset and Audit Legislation History

Year Action Notes
1977 Sunset law created The Legislative Oversight Commission law (sunset law) was created by Chapter 260 of 1977 under ยง22-14-1c.
2005 Sunset law amended There were amendements to the sunset law in years 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 2001 and 2005.
2015 Executive order The Executive Order (EO) Executive Order EO 15-07 was executed by Governor Gina Raimondo. EO 15-07 was titled, “Improving Rhode Island’s Regulatory Climate to Create Opportunity.” EO 15-07 stated, among other things, that rules shall avoid negative business, employment, and overall economic impact.