South Dakota

General Information on South Dakota Professional Geologist Licenses

Does state provide a license: Yes

License: Petroleum Release Service Professional: Certified Petroleum Release Assessor or Certified Petroleum Release Remediator

Exam Entity: State Board

Licensing Board: South Dakota Board of Technical Professions

Continuing Education and Experience

Degree required:

Minimum degree level required to licensure as specified by the state regulations. ‘Other’ indicates that minimum education requirements must be met that are considered equivalent to a college degree, or minimum experience requirements must be met. See notes and applicable state laws and regulations for complete information.

  • Not Applicable

Majors accepted:

Majors defined in the state regulations as acceptable to obtain a professional geologist or geoscientist license, or for the specified environmental professional license in states without a PG license.

  • Not Applicable

Courses required:

  • Not Applicable

Courses accepted:

  • Not Applicable

Geology credits required: Not available

Minimum number of semester hours in relevant course work required for licensure. Thirty (30) semester hours = forty-five (45) quarter hours; twenty-four (24) semester hours = thirty-six (36) quarter hours.

Credit information: Not applicable

Education Notes: Not applicable

Years of experience required: Not available

Experience credits needed: Not available

Experience information: Not applicable

Continuing education requirements: Yes

Continuing education years: 15

Continuing education details: Thirty (30) CEU are required every two (2) years.

Geologist in Training license available: No

Can take Fundamentals of Geology test before graduation: No

Fundamentals of Geology test details: None

Legal Code Reference for GIT, FG: None

Sunset and Audit Legislation Information

Most registration and licensure systems include structural approaches to review both the need and operational effectiveness of the process.

Some states provide formal sunset evaluation processes for their licensure programs. Many also include a periodic audit process of the licensure program/agency, which can range from cursory financial reviews to comprehensive evaluation of program effectiveness.

The audit process is often leveraged when political pressure is applied to eliminate geologist licensure, so awareness of the history and codes for audits and sunset evaluations is critical to montioring the health of the licensure within the state.

Current modes for sunsetting evaluation: Sunset review

License subject to sunset review: Possible

License subject to audit review: Yes

Current law to establish new licensure board: TBD

Sunset regulation name: Termination and Legislative Review of Administrative Rules

Sunset statute: South Dakota Codified Laws, Title 1. State Affairs and Government, Chapter 26B. Termination and Legislative Review of Administrative Rules.

Sunset statute reference:

Sunset committee: Interim Rules Review Committee

Sunset committee website:

Sunset duration: None identified

Sunset notes: The Legislative Research Council and Interim Rules Review Committee do not have historical documents available on their websites, 2019 only. From 2019 agendas, there seems to be mostly approval of regulations and not a focus on termination of laws, boards, etc.

Auditor name: South Dakota State Auditor

Auditor website:

Audit statute: South Dakota Codified Laws, Title 1. State Affairs and Government, Chapter 9. State Auditor

Audit Statute abbreviation: South Dakota Codified Laws, Title 1. State Affairs and Government, Chapter 9. State Auditor Section 41-5A-1

Audit statute link:

Audit duration: Annual

Audit legislation committee: Department of the Legislative Audit

Audit legislation committee website:

Audit notes: Periodic independent audit reports completed for the Board of Technical Professions' accounting system. Board of Technical Professions is included as a line item in the annual audit report.

Sunset and Audit Legislation History

Year Action Notes
1977 Sunset law created The Termination and Legislative Review of Administrative Rules law (sunset law) was created by SB 1 of 1977 under SD Codified Laws Chapter 1-26B.
2003 Sunset law created The Legislative Review of State Agencies law was created under Chapter 1-26E.
2012 Sunset law repealed The Legislative Review of State Agencies law was (Chapter 1-26E) was repealed. Note that the original sunset law under Chapter 1-26B remained in effect.
2013 Audit Legislative audit of the Board of Technical Professionals.
2016 Audit Legislative audit of the Board of Technical Professionals.
2019 The sunset law under Chapter 1-26B remains in effect.