Does state provide a license: Yes
Current Active Licensees
Title | Licensees |
Professional Geologist | 857 |
Temporary Geologist | 0 |
License: Professional Geologist
Exam Entity: ASBOG
Licensing Board: Professional Geologist Licensing Board
Licensing Board Website:
Degree required:
Majors accepted:
Courses required:
Courses accepted:
Geology credits required: 30
Credit information: The applicant is required to have a Bachelor’s or graduate degree in the geosciences granted through an institution of higher education that is accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency with a minimum of 30 semester or 45 quarter hours of course work in the geosciences; or have completed other equivalent educational requirements as determined by the division in collaboration with the board. A minimum of 24 semester or 36 quarter hours in upper level or graduate geology courses is required, which includes one or more of the following subject areas: structural geology, geophysics, sedimentology/stratigraphy/paleontology, mineralogy/petrology/geochemistry, engineering geology/environmental geology, hydrogeology/hydrology, geomorphology/remote sensing, economic geology/petroleum geology, and field geology.
Education Notes: See the state regulations for a complete explanation of the education requirements for licensure.
Years of experience required: 5
Experience credits needed: 4
Experience information: Five 5 years of professional experience are required with a Bachelor’s degree. Three (3) years of professional experience are required with a Master’s degree. One (1) year of professional experience is required with a doctorate.
Continuing education requirements: No
Geologist in Training license available: No
Can take Fundamentals of Geology test before graduation: Yes
Fundamentals of Geology test details: The rules, regulations and board website do not specifically address taking the FG examination before degree completion. The regulations state that to qualify, the applicant must: have earned bachelor or post-graduate degree in the geosciences from an accredited institution including the completion of a minimum of 24 semester or 36 quarter hours in upper level or graduate geology courses.
Legal Code Reference for GIT, FG: R156-76-302b. Qualifications for Licensure - Education Requirements
Most registration and licensure systems include structural approaches to review both the need and operational effectiveness of the process.
Some states provide formal sunset evaluation processes for their licensure programs. Many also include a periodic audit process of the licensure program/agency, which can range from cursory financial reviews to comprehensive evaluation of program effectiveness.
The audit process is often leveraged when political pressure is applied to eliminate geologist licensure, so awareness of the history and codes for audits and sunset evaluations is critical to montioring the health of the licensure within the state.
Current modes for sunsetting evaluation: Both sunset review and audit
License subject to sunset review: No
License subject to audit review: Possible
Current law to establish new licensure board: Yes
Sunset regulation name: Legislative Oversight and Sunset Act
Sunset statute: Utah Code, Title 63I. Oversight, Chapter 1. Legislative Oversight and Sunset Act
Sunset statute reference:
Sunset committee: Legislative Management Committee
Sunset committee website:
Sunset duration: Up to ten (10) years
Sunset notes: Historical sunset reports are not easy to search on the Office of Legislative Research and General Council website. The Professional Geologist Licensing board is not listed for repeal under §63I-1, but several acts pertaining to the environment are listed in §63I-1-219.
Auditor name: Office of the State Auditor
Auditor website:
Audit statute: Utah Code, Title 67. State Officers and Employees, Chapter 3. Auditor
Audit Statute abbreviation: Utah Code, Title 67. State Officers and Employees, Chapter 3. Auditor Section 41-5A-1
Audit statute link:
Audit legislation committee: Office of Legislative Auditor General (OLAG)
Audit legislation committee website:
Audit notes: No previous audits listed on the Auditor website. It appears that the Auditor does not audit licensing boards.
Year | Action | Notes |
1977 | Sunset law created | The Sunset Act was created by SB 63 of 1977 under Utah Code §63-55-1. |
2002 | Practice regulation | The Professional Geologist Licensing Board was created. |
2004 | ASBOG | The first ASBOG exam was administered. |
2008 | Sunset law amended | The Sunset Act was renumbered and amended by Chapter 382 in the 2008 General Session. The sunset law was amended to the Legislative Oversight and Sunset Act under §63I-1. |