West Virginia

General Information on West Virginia Professional Geologist Licenses

Does state provide a license: No

Sunset and Audit Legislation Information

Most registration and licensure systems include structural approaches to review both the need and operational effectiveness of the process.

Some states provide formal sunset evaluation processes for their licensure programs. Many also include a periodic audit process of the licensure program/agency, which can range from cursory financial reviews to comprehensive evaluation of program effectiveness.

The audit process is often leveraged when political pressure is applied to eliminate geologist licensure, so awareness of the history and codes for audits and sunset evaluations is critical to montioring the health of the licensure within the state.

Current modes for sunsetting evaluation: Both sunset review and audit

Current law to establish new licensure board: Yes

Sunset regulation name: West Virginia Performance Review Act

Sunset statute: West Virginia Code, Chapter 4. The Legislature, Article 10. Performace Review Act

Sunset statute reference: http://code.wvlegislature.gov/4-10/

Sunset committee: Performance and Evaluation Research Division (PERD)

Sunset committee website: http://www.wvlegislature.gov/Joint/perd.cfm

Sunset duration: At least once every twelve years

Auditor name: West Virginia State Auditor’s Office

Auditor website: https://www.wvsao.gov/

Audit statute: West Virginia Code, Chapter 4. The Legislature, Article 2. Legislative Auditor; Powers; Functions; Duties; Compensation

Audit Statute abbreviation: West Virginia Code, Chapter 4. The Legislature, Article 2. Legislative Auditor; Powers; Functions; Duties; Compensation Section 41-5A-1

Audit statute link: http://code.wvlegislature.gov/4-2/

Audit legislation committee: Legislative Post Audit Division

Audit legislation committee website: http://www.wvlegislature.gov/Joint/postaudit.cfm

Audit notes: The Legislative Post Audit Division reports its findings and recommendations to the Legislative Post Audit Subcommittee of the Joint Committee on Government and Finance.

Audit reference: State licensing board are audited periodically.

Audit reference website: http://www.wvlegislature.gov/Joint/Postaudit/reports.cfm

Sunset and Audit Legislation History

Year Action Notes
1978 Sunset law status WV Governor Rockefeller vetoed Senate Bill (SB) 63 of 1978. The bill would have provided termination of all state government by 1983. The Governor vetoed it as overbroad but agreed that state agencies should be reviewed as well as employ zero-based budgeting.
1993 Sunset law created The West Virginia Sunset Law was created by House Bill (HB) 2740, which passed on 4/10/1993 and went into effect 7/1/1993.
2008 Sunset law amended The sunset law was amended, renamed the Performance Review Act, and other sections were amended and repealed.