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Displaying 11 - 20 of a total of 22 items

May 4, 2011
American Geological Institute, 2011
The "Status of the Geoscience Workforce" report provides a comprehensive benchmark of the geoscience profession. The report is based on original data collected by the American Geological Institute as well as from existing data from federal data sources, professional membership organizations, and...

August 17, 2010
American Geological Institute, 2010
This report examines the changes in the number of NSF Graduate Fellowships and the amount of funding awarded between 2000 and 2009, with comparisons between geoscience and other STEM fellowship awards. The report also analyzes the academic backgrounds of geoscience NSF graduate fellows, research...

April 6, 2009
American Geological Institute, 2009
From the end of 2008 through the early part of 2009, an increasing number of representatives from academic institutions began expressing concerns about the viability of their geoscience programs in the face of cutbacks due to the economic downturn. To better assess this situation, the American...

April 2, 2009
American Geological Institute; American Geophysical Union; American Institute of Physics, 2009
This report describes the initial employment during the spring of 2007 of geoscientists who earned their Ph.D.s during the preceding academic year. The term geoscience is used throughout the report and refers to a broad range of fields in Earth, atmospheric, ocean, and space sciences (see Appendix...

February 17, 2009
American Geological Institute, 2009
According to the federal government, science and technology has been responsible for more than 50% of the economic growth in the U.S. since the end of World War II. This growth was driven by increased investment in science and technology fields undertaken in the post‐war, space‐race, and cold war...

June 18, 2007
American Geological Institute, 2007
Field camp has traditionally served as a central part of undergraduate geoscience curricula, but this tradition appears to be disappearing. There are several reasons for the decline in the number of departments offering traditional summer field camp experiences, including the rising costs of...

July 28, 2006
American Geological Institute, 2006
A growing portion of decision makers in academia, private industry, and government are concerned about shortages in the science, engineering, and technology (SET) workforce. This heightened awareness is in part to several reports released in the last year looking at that nation’s competitiveness in...

June 9, 2006
American Geological Institute, 2006
Introductory geoscience courses in higher education are a major source of public exposure for the geosciences and anecdotally are cited as an important source for recruiting geoscience majors. The number of geoscience majors has been decreasing since a peak in the 1980s, and because of this...

August 15, 2005
American Geological Institute; American Geophysical Union; American Institute of Physics, 2005
This study documents employment patterns and demographic characteristics of recent PhDs. It summarizes the latest annual survey of recent Earth, Space, Atmospheric, and Ocean Science PhDs conducted by the American Geological Institute (AGI), the American Geophysical Union (AGU), and the Statistical...

March 29, 2005
American Geological Institute, 2005
The American Geological Institute conducted a baseline survey of geoscience departments in the United States about the levels of enrollment in various categories of introductory geoscience courses. The survey resulted in an actual census of 137,180 students in 241 reporting departments. When a...
Recent Geoscience Currents
Geoscience Currents transmit snapshots of the many facets of the geoscience profession, in-depth case studies of how geoscience is applied, factsheets that provide rigorous introductions to a range of geoscience topics, workforce trends, and career paths.