climate change

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Climate Change and Your Community Activity 4

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students model present and ancient land masses and oceans to determine current flow; explain how ocean currents affect regional and global climate; understand how ocean currents are affected by Earth's moving plates; understand the relationship between climate and Earth processes like moving plates, mountain building and weathering.

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Climate Change and Your Community Activity 3

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students understand that Earth has an axial tilt of about 23 1/2 degrees; use a glove to model the season on Earth; investigate and understand the cause of the season in relation to the axial tilt of the Earth; Understand that the shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun is an ellipse and that this shape influences climate; understand that insolation to the Earth varies as the inverse square of the distance to the Sun.

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Climate Change and Your Community Activity 2

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students understand the significance of growth rings in trees as indicators of environmental change; understand the significance of ice cores from glaciers as indicators of environmental change; investigate and understand the significance of geologic sediments as indicators of environmental change; examine the significance of glacial sediments and landforms as evidence for climate change; investigate and understand the significance of fossil pollen as evidence of climate change.

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Climate Change and Your Community Activity 1

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students identify factors of the physical environment; us a topographic map to gather data about evaluation and latitude, and physical features; interpret data from a climate data table; compare and contrast climate information from two different parts of the United States; Understand how physical features can influence the climate of an area.


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