earth science week

Celebrate National Fossil Day on October 11, 2017

Earth Science Week Theme for 2017 is Earth and Human Activity

What's old is new again! Join in celebration of the 8th annual National Fossil Day on Wednesday, October 11, 2017.  National Fossil Day is organized by the National Park Service as part of AGI's Earth Science Week to promote public awareness and stewardship of fossils, with the goal of inspiring the next generation of paleontologists and fossil enthusiasts.

Earth Science Week 2017: New Event Registry Heightens Your Visibility #earthscienceweek

Students taking water samples during field work
Are you hosting an Earth Science Week 2017 event, such as an exhibit, tour, lecture, or open house? The new Earth Science Week Event Registry enables you to promote your event more effectively than ever. To register your event, simply provide a few key details. Fill out the easy-to-use online form, and let the Earth Science Week team and the world know about your event.

Earth Science Week at NSTA 2017 Conference #NSTA17

ESW logo
You're invited to visit the organizers of Earth Science Week in the Exhibit Hall of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference later this month in Los Angeles! We'll have materials and demonstrations dealing with Earth Science Week as well as information about additional curriculum, training, and other products and services available from the American Geosciences Institute.


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