Atchison, C.L., Parker, W.G., Riggs, N.R., Semken, S., and Whitmeyer, S.J., (2019). Accessibility and inclusion in the field: A field guide for central Arizona and Petrified Forest National Park, In Pearthree, P.A., ed., GSA 2019 Phoenix Field Guides: Geological Society of America Field Guide 55, 1–23, DOI: 10.1130/2019.0055(02).
Atchison, C. L., Marshall, A.M, & and Collins, T., (2019). A multiple case study of inclusive learning communities enabling active participation in geoscience field courses for students with physical disabilities. Journal of Geoscience Ed. DOI: 10.1080/10899995.2019.1600962.
Carabajal, I.G., Marshall, A.M., & Atchison, C.L. (2017). A synthesis of access and inclusion in geoscience education literature. Journal of Geoscience Education, 65, 531-541. DOI: 10.5408/16-211.1.
Feig, A., Atchison, C.L., Stokes, A., & Gilley, B. (2019). Achieving inclusive field-based education: Results and recommendations from an accessible geoscience field trip. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 19(2), 66-87. DOI: 10.14434/josotl.v19i1.23455.
Gilley, B.H., Atchison, C.L., Feig, A. & Stokes, A. (2015). Impact of inclusive field trips. Nature Geoscience, 8, 579-580. DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2500
Greene, S., Ashley, K., Dunne, E., Edgar, K., Giles, S., Hanson, E., (2020). Toilet stops in the field: An educational primer and recommended best practices for field-based teaching. DOI: 10.31219/
Hendricks, J.E., Atchison, C.L., & Feig, A.D. (2017). Effective use of personal assistants for students with disabilities: Lessons learned from the 2014 accessible geoscience field trip. Journal of Geoscience Education, 65(1), 72-80. DOI: 10.5408/16-185.1.
Marshall, A & Thatcher, S., (2019). Creating Spaces for Geoscientists with Disabilities to Thrive. Eos, 100, DOI: 10.1029/2019EO136434.
Field camp has traditionally served as a central part of undergraduate geoscience curricula, but this tradition appears to be disappearing. There are several reasons for the decline in the number of departments offering traditional summer field camp experiences, including the rising costs of liability insurance for colleges and universities to run such programs and the changing face of geoscience departments in smaller schools that are combining forces with geography and environmental science programs.
The AGI Workforce Program has officially opened this year's photo contest where we ask individuals to submit photos of geoscientists at work. Please share this contest with friends, students, colleagues, and anyone else who may be interested in entering!
The United States Geological Survey and the West Virginia Geological & Economic Survey have teamed up with West Virginia University to initiate the Appalachian Geoscience GeoCamp this summer. Students will explore concepts and skills related to the earth sciences, including orienteering, topographic and geologic mapping, forest ecology and more. The GeoCamp experience will go far beyond indoor lessons and lectures by putting learning into the field alongside experts, to create hands-on experiences that allow students to explore possible future interests and careers.