geoscience handbook

AGI Announces Back-to-School Discounts

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) announces back-to-school discounts on publications and electronic resources for the fall 2021 semester to assist educators, students, and the wider geoscience community.

Our best-selling resources for educators and students are now discounted through October 15, 2021.

AGI Extends Free and Reduced-Price Resources for Geoscientists

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — To assist the geoscience community during the Covid-19 outbreak, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is extending recently announced free and discounted resource offerings including AGI's Glossary of Geology, Geoscience Handbook, The Geotimes Collection, professional development modules, and education resources.

AGI Offers Free and Reduced-Price Resources for Geoscientists

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - To assist geoscience professionals, educators, and students at a time when many are working remotely or in new ways, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) has issued a series of recent announcements on electronic resources currently available for free or at reduced prices, including AGI's Glossary of Geology, Geoscience Handbook, professional development modules, and education resources.

AGI Releases The Geoscience Handbook: AGI Data Sheets, Fifth Edition

For more than 40 years, AGI's Data Sheets have been a critical tool for the geoscientist in the field, the lab, and the classroom. For decades its bright orange cover and three-ring binding were distinctive in the geoscience community. The book evolved into its current, full-color and spiral bound format with the 2005 debut of the fourth edition.
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