
Vision and Change in the Geosciences - The Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education Report Released

The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is pleased to announce the publication of Vision and Change in the Geosciences – The Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education report. Vision and Change is the culmination of summits, workshops, and surveys over the last six years, incorporating the inputs from more than 1,000 members of the geoscience community to develop a consensus on the future needs and approaches for educating future geoscientists.

AGI Launches Study of COVID-19 Impacts on the Geosciences

The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is pleased to announce the recent launch of its Geoscience COVID-19 study, a year-long study to capture the nature and extent of impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the geoscience workforce and academic programs. This study aims to understand how geoscience employers and educational institutions are changing their workplace and instructional environments and to discover which of these changes will become permanent.

AGI Unveils Completed Geoscience Women in STEM Site With Webinar

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is unveiling its completed Geoscience Women in STEM website this week with a free webinar for educators on providing Earth science teaching and learning resources inspired by the work of leading women in science and engineering, with generous support from Lyda Hill Philanthropies.


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