
Contributions to a Brazilian Code of Conduct for Fieldwork in Geology an approach based on Geoconservation and Geoethics

CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BRAZIALIAN CODE OF CONDUCT FOR FIELDWORK IN GEOLOGY: AN APPROACH BASED ON GEOCONSERVATION AND GEOETHICS Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences), vol. 89, no. 1, supl. 0, 431-444, When considering the numerous events that have prohibited the development of scientific projects or caused destruction of outcrops, it is clear that there is rapidly increasing necessity to define a Brazilian Code of Conduct for geological fieldwork. In general, this destructi...

Flood Damage Survey and Assessment: New Insights from Research and Practice


Several scholars across the globe identified the present lack of high quality damage data as the main constraint to efficient risk mitigation. The need for a systematic collection of damage data in the aftermath of flood events come into light, thus the aim being the creation of complete and reliable databases.

Explore the Science of AGI's Member Organizations at #GSA2017

The IAPG section of Uruguay

PhD researcher at the Instituto de Ciencias Geológicas (ICG), Faculty of Science, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. She is Academic founder and Head of the Geophysical Observatory of Uruguay. More information about Leda are available at:, and ...

#20: SEG's Emerging Professionals - Johannes Douma

Andrew Geary speaks with Johannes Douma, vice-chair of the Emerging Professionals International Committee (EPIC). Johannes provides the committee's background, current focus, and how emerging professionals can get involved. EPIC is SEG’s resource for emerging professionals, those with less than 8 years in the industry. It's a global group sharing a common interest in sponsoring gatherings of emerging geoscientists to discuss and gain further understanding of their respective disciplines.

Overlapping Perimeters

This abbreviated essay (contribution to the EADI Nordic conference) contextualizes the FAO "Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication" (FAO SSF Guidelines) with reflections on the meaning of 'Geoethics'. The mutual context of both matters is provided through the lenses of four scholarly contributions to address the goal in the panel description: "… further enrich[ed] [the discus-sions] by developments arising from researching and promoting geo-ethics in the Anthropocene, thus conn...

Council on #Undergraduate Research Unanimously Approves Code of Ethics #highered #ethics

Cover of CUR's Recently Adopted Code of Ethics
The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) unanimously approved a Code of Ethics statement at its Annual Business Meeting in July. It will serve as guide for students, faculty, and administrators as they pursue undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activities.

IAPG at the EADI NORDIC Conference 2017

The conference EADI Nordic (20-23 August 2017, Bergen, Norway) "Globalisation at the Crossroads – Rethinking Inequalities and Boundaries" aims to address a series of challenges in development (policy, research, practices) in a multi-polar world. The IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics is represented by Dr. Martin Bohle (IAPG Corresponding Citizen Scientist).  He has been invited by Mundus Maris to speak to the panel "Small-Scale Fisheries between Tradition and Modernity – Addressing Poverty Alleviation, Food Security and Social Develop...


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