Lauren received a B.S. in Geosciences and a B.A. in Geography in May 2011 from Pennsylvania State University (Penn State). She graduated from the Schreyer Honors College and completed her senior thesis on the use of electrical resistivity imaging to model the flow of acid mine drainage. She spent a summer in Germany as a research assistant studying landscape development during the Holocene. She studied abroad for a semester in Ghana and has done research projects in West Philadelphia, Bulgaria, and India. At Penn State she volunteered as a high school math tutor, education abroad Peer Advisor, and community language partner. Lauren’s policy interests include water and energy resources, climate change, and science education. In her free time she enjoys running, trying to learn Persian, drinking good coffee, grocery shopping, looking at maps, reading, and eating Indian food.
Lauren is currently abroad in Tajikistan studying water resource issues on a Fulbright grant. You can follow her blog here. (05/12)
Publications while at AGI: Developing Alaska's Oil and Gas Resources: How Should the U.S. Proceed?, The Professional Geologist, Nov/Dec 2011