
Historical Topo #Maps Available from New TopoView 2.1 #geoscience

Phone displaying TopoVIew
The USGS TopoView enhancement, TopoView 2.1, brings historical topo maps to your fingertips in the popular open-source mapping platform. Users can compare historical maps with modern day maps to see how the landforms and regional names have changed over time. In addition to accessing the historical maps, additional upgrades to previous versions were made based on user feedback. 

USGS Publishes Updated State Geologic Map Compilation #geoscience #geology

Cover of the SGMC Report from the USGS
The USGS published an update to the State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) geodatabase of the conterminous United States. It represents a seamless, spatial database of 48 State geologic maps that range from 1:50,000 to 1:1,000,000 scale, and this version includes updated data for six states, data for seven entirely new states, and numerous corrected errors since the preliminary dataset was launched.

The USGS wants your help to design future Landsat systems!

The Kobuk River debauches from the Alaskan interior at the northwestern part of the state. The set of large water bodies in this image include Selawik Lake (right), Hotham Inlet (center), and the Kotzebue Sound (bottom left).
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is requesting information from the land imaging community for user requirements for future Landsat systems. To respond to the RFI, go to, click on "Search Public Opportunities Only", then choose search by "Reference Number" which is G17PS00634. Click on right side of the screen to view RFI document.


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