
EARTH: Mapping Field Camp's Past and Present: Exploring a Mainstay of Geoscience Education

EARTH Magazine explores the ritual of field camp as geoscientists' rite of passage for thousands of U.S. college students. Geology field camps date back to the days of great explorers and naturalists like John Muir and his contemporaries. Now young men and women gear up and pack out to geologically unique locations nationwide. Traditional skill sets are now taught alongside relevant technology to keep students workforce-ready.

USGS: Inaugural Student Geologic Map Competition

The U.S. Geological Survey is hosting the inaugural Best Student Geologic Map Competition. This competition is open to university-level students and entries will be judged at the 125th Annual Geological Society of America Meeting held in Denver, CO from October 27th through 30th 2013. A judging panel will select three winners during a special session convened on October 29th, 2013. The special session will double as a networking hour for students to share their experiences and techniques.

USGS EDMAP Program - Training the Next Generation of Geoscientists

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

EDMAP is an interactive and meaningful matching-funds grant program with universities for students to gain experience and knowledge in geologic mapping as well as contribute to the national effort to geologically map all of the United States. This program trains the next generation of geologic mappers and is one of the three components of the congressionally-mandated U.S. Geological Survey National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP). Geology faculty, skilled in geologic mapping, request EDMAP funding to support upper-level undergraduate and graduate students at their institution in a one-year mentored geologic mapping project that focuses on a specific geographic area. Also, each EDMAP proposal must be closely coordinated with a State Geologist or a USGS geologic mapping project. Every federal dollar awarded is matched with university funds. EDMAP has supported 144 universities and over 850 students from geoscience departments across the Nation. Following the presentations, you can listen to the open discussion period in which audience members from around the world to ask questions of the speakers.

Our speakers include:

  • Randall C. Orndorff pdf download icon Download presentation slides
    Director, Eastern Geology and Paleoclimate Science Center at the U.S. Geological Survey
    previously: Associate Program Coordinator, National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Dr. John T. Haynes pdf download icon Download presentation slides
    Assistant Professor, Department of Geology & Environmental Science, James Madison University
  • Alan F. Halfen pdf download icon Download presentation slides
    Ph.D. Student, Department of Geography, University of Kansas

Webinar Co-sponsors: U.S. Geological Survey

Resources to Learn More:

USGS EDMAP Program - Training the Next Generation of Geoscientists


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