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SSSA Asks the Ever-Important Question: When Does a Rock Become #Soil? #Geoscience

Soil scientists dig holes to investigate soils in various regions. Looking at the flat face of that hole is called a “soil profile.” Here, you can see the distinct yellow area under the top, browner, layers.

Geoscience is an inherently interdisciplinary field of study. Where one geoscientists' research transitions from one field to another is a hard line to draw, and that is why so many organizations are part of the AGI Federation, including organizations like the Soil Science Society of America!

ASCE Shares Member's Reflection on Post-Maria Puerto Rico #HurricaneMaria

Puerto Rican residents walk in flooded streets in Condado, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The American Society of Civil Engineers shared a dispatch from one of their members and her reflections on Puerto Rico's infrastructure from an engineer's perspective following Hurricane Maria. She shares how collapsed roads are affecting communities, and trips to buy gas can take all day. Read her account here.

Free workshop on #geoscience librarianship set for October 21



“Geoscience Librarianship 101” – a full-day introduction to earth science information resources and their organization – will be presented by the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) on Saturday, October 21 in Seattle, Washington.  Registration is free and open to all information professionals as well as students in library and information studies.


Call for Abstracts - Seismology of the Americas #earthquake

Coral Beach, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico
The Seismological Society of America and the Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission have put out a call for sessions for the 2018 "Seismology of the Americas" Meeting. Topics of interest may include, but are not limited to: recent major earthquakes; earthquake early warning

When Does a Rock Become Soil? SSSA Shares! #soil

Measuring soil color.
Soils and rocks are inextricably related, and geoscientists study both. The Soil Science Society of America answers one VERY important question in their Soils Matter blog, and that is, "When does a rock become soil?" Learn the recipe for making soils, and breakdown when a soil becomes a rock (pun intended) in their latest post!




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