
AGI Releases Glossary of Geology App for the iPhone and iPad

The American Geological Institute's (AGI) Glossary of Geology, 5th Edition is now available for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad in Apple's App Store. The Glossary of Geology app brings all 40,000 authoritative definitions of the vocabulary of the geosciences to an easy-to use, searchable, fast, and portable format.

EARTH Now Offers Digital Subscriptions

The American Geological Institute is pleased to announce that EARTH magazine, the magazine that explores the science behind the headlines, is now available for PC, Mac and the iPad through Zinio. Starting with the November 2010 issue, both year-long subscriptions and single copies of the online magazine can be purchased at a savings over the print edition.

AGI Publishes Living with Unstable Ground

Many ongoing natural processes and human activities can displace the ground under our homes and communities at considerable economic cost and human suffering. The best solutions to these unstable ground problems are based on awareness of where and how they occur. Living with Unstable Ground, written by Dr. Thomas L. Holzer of the U.S. Geological Survey, explains how soil types, slope movements, catastrophic collapses, and regional ground movement affect communities and how to mitigate these disruptive, dangerous, and costly problems.


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