Stephen L. Houser Jr., Gifted and Talented Educator at Providence Spring Elementary School in Charlotte, North Carolina has been named the 2009 recipient of the Edward C. Roy Jr. Award for Excellence in K-8 Earth Science Teaching.
The American Geological Institute (AGI) and the AGI Foundation are accepting applications for the Edward C. Roy Jr. Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching. Given annually, this award recognizes one classroom teacher from kindergarten to eighth grade for his or her leadership and innovation in earth science education.
Michelle Brand Buchanan, a teacher at Pineville Junior High in Pineville, Louisiana has been named the first recipient of the Edward C. Roy Jr. Award for Excellence in K-8 Earth Science Teaching.
The American Geological Institute (AGI) and the AGI Foundation are pleased to announce the creation of the Edward C. Roy Jr. Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching. Given annually, this award recognizes one classroom teacher from kindergarten to eighth grade for his or her leadership and innovation in earth science education.