
GS Grants to Attend Goldschmidt Conference (August 12-17, 2018)

Geochemical Society Logo
The Geochemical Society is actively seeking applications for student and early career grants to attend the 2018 Goldschmidt Conference in Boston. The society is significantly increasing the amount of funding available this year to support student/early career participation. Apply by March 30 if you meet any of these criteria:
  • students and early career scientists from countries classified as low and lower-middle-income economies (as defined by the World Bank:
  • students from countries with upper-middle-income economies AND without other sources of funding
  • US-based students from underrepresented institutions OR who self-identify as members of underrepresented groups in the sciences
  • Any US-based student or post-doctoral scholar working on planetary science topics

Complete information about the qualifications and application process may be found at:


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