
Interactive map of groundwater quality in Idaho

The Idaho Bureau of Laboratories has produced an interactive map of groundwater quality for nine major contaminants across the state. Map layers are available for arsenic, chloride, copper, fluoride, iron, manganese, selenium, sulfate, and total nitrate.

Contaminant concentrations are provided for a variety of well depths, and maximum level guidelines from the EPA are provided, along with potential health effects from long-term exposure above these levels. Additional resources are also provided for further information on each contaminant.

Critical Issues: AMS coastal resilience workshop, Day 2

Screenshot of the Marine Cadastre National Viewer. Image Credit: NOAA, BOEM
The American Meteorological Society (AMS) Policy Program’s workshop, “Opportunities and Needs in Integrated Water Prediction, Risk Assessment, and Management for Coastal Resilience,” concluded on September 28th, providing insights to coastal scientists and managers on how to better serve their communities. The second day built on themes discussed in earlier sessions, shifting the regional focus to the Great Lakes. Click “Read More” to see highlights from the second day:

Critical Issues: Recording and Slides Available for Critical Issues Webinar, "Desalination as a Source of Fresh Water"

Flyer for Desalination Webinar. Image Credit: U.S. Geological Survey
On Tuesday September 20, the Critical Issues Program hosted a webinar on the state of desalination in the United States and further afield. The three speakers were Tzahi Cath (Colorado School of Mines), Jessica Jones (Poseidon Water), and Katherine Zodrow (Montana Tech). Topics covered included the past, present, and future of desalination technologies; the costs and waste management challenges of desalination plants; the recently opened seawater desalination plant in Carlsbad, California; and brackish groundwater use and desalination in Texas. A recording of the webinar and the speakers’ slides can be found at bit.ly/desal-webinar.


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