In this webinar, faculty and alumni from the geoscience departments at St. Lawrence University and Georgia Southern University discuss strategies for reaching out and engaging geoscience department alumni as career resources.
This webinar focuses on the steps these departments have taken to stay in touch with alumni and get them involved in providing career information for their students (e.g. providing talks in geoscience courses, participating in a Geoscience Career Day or Fair, interacting with students at a department open house day, actively mentoring students, etc.) Following the presentations, there is an open discussion period in which audience members from around the world to ask questions of the speakers.
Our speakers include:
"The Importance of Building Alumni Relations in Geoscience Departments"
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- Dallas D. Rhodes, Emeritus Professor, Department of Geology and Geography, Georgia Southern University
- Susan M. Taylor, Dewberry, Davis LLC; Alumna, Department of Geology and Geography, Georgia Southern University
"Engaging Alumni In Undergraduate Geoscience Education: What we do and how we do it, a case study from St. Lawrence University"
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- J. Mark Erickson, Chapin Professor of Geology, St. Lawrence University, NY
- Sarah B. Z. McElfresh, SLU Geology Alumni Council, Winston-Salem, NC; 1998 St. Lawrence University Alumna