GeoWord of the Day

The GeoWord of the Day is a free service of the American Geosciences Institute. All of the terms and definitions are from the Glossary of Geology, 5th Edition Revised.

marsh creek . A drainage channel developed on a salt marsh.

growth ring [paleont] . A growth line on a rugose coral.

pyramidal cleavage . Mineral cleavage parallel to the faces of a pyramid, e.g. the (101) cleavage of scheelite.

detachment [soil] . Separation of transportable particles from a soil layer, usually by running water, raindrop impact, or wind. Cf: dispersion [soil].

nivation hollow . A shallow depression or hollow in a mountainside, permanently or intermittently occupied by a snowbank or snow patch and produced by nivation. If the snow completely melts each summer the hollow is deepened; otherwise not (Thorn, 1976). It has been suggested that deepening of a nivation hollow produces a cirque, but this is not proven. Syn: nivation cirque; snow niche.

haxonite (hax'-on-ite). A metallic white cubic meteorite mineral: (Fe,Ni)23C6 .

follicle (fol'-li-cle). A simple dry dehiscent fruit that produces seeds and that has one carpel and splits along one seam only.

shank [struc geol] . An obsolete syn. of limb [struc geol].

foreshore (fore'-shore). (a) The lower or outer, gradually seaward-sloping, zone of the shore or beach, lying between the crest of the most seaward berm on the backshore (or the upper limit of wave wash at high tide) and the ordinary low-water mark; the zone regularly covered and uncovered by the rise and fall of the tide, or the zone lying between the ordinary tide levels. Sometimes referred to as the shore. Syn: beach face. (b) A term loosely applied to a strip of ground lying between a body of water, as a lake or stream, and land that is cultivated or otherwise occupied.

spiculoid (spic'-u-loid). A discrete autochthonous element of a sponge skeleton, resembling a spicule but made of organic material only. Syn: pseudospicule.


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