GeoWord of the Day

The GeoWord of the Day is a free service of the American Geosciences Institute. All of the terms and definitions are from the Glossary of Geology, 5th Edition Revised.

contact mineral . A mineral formed by contact metamorphism.

ferrorhodsite . A metallic black cubic mineral of the linnaeite group: (Fe,Cu)(Rh,Ir,Pt)2S4.

paroxysmal eruption (par-ox-ys'-mal). An eruption of the Katmaian, Peléean, Plinian, or Vulcanian type.

heat flux [oceanog] . The transfer of heat through a unit area of the sea surface, usually in watts per square meter. The flux is due to evaporation, solar radiation, infrared radiation, and direct conduction.

hydrotungstite (hy-dro-tung'-stite). A dark green monoclinic mineral: WO2(OH)2•H2O .

stromoconolith (stro-mo-con'-o-lith). A layered igneous intrusion that is either conical or funnel-shaped (Tomkeieff, 1961). Obsolete.

asselbornite (as'-sel-born-ite). A brown or yellow cubic mineral: (Pb,Ba)(UO2)6(BiO)4(AsO4)2(OH)12•3H2O .

atelestite (at-e-les'-tite). A yellow or yellowish-green monoclinic mineral: Bi2O(AsO4)(OH) . Isomorphous with smrkovecite and hechtsbergite.

oolitic (o-o-lit'-ic). Pertaining to an oolite, or to a rock or mineral made up of ooliths; e.g. an "oolitic ironstone", in which iron oxide or iron carbonate has replaced the calcium carbonate of an oolitic limestone. Also spelled: oölitic.

transitional-water wave . A wave that is moving from deep water to shallow water, i.e. is transitional between a deep-water wave and a shallow-water wave; its wavelength is more than twice but less than 25 times the depth of the water, and the wave orbitals are beginning to be influenced by the bottom. Syn: intermediate wave.


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