The William B. Heroy Jr. Award for Distinguished Service to AGI is given in recognition of exceptional and beneficial long-term service to AGI.
This award is limited to one per year. The candidate must be living at the time of selection and, if possible, should be present for presentation of the award.
Candidate should be measured against the exemplary record of singular and long- term distinguished service of William B. Heroy Jr. in whose honor the award is named.
The Nominating Committee of AGI will solicit nominations from the Member Societies and submit its final selection, together with clearly documented supporting evidence, to the Executive Committee for final action.
The award is a walnut plaque with a brass plate bearing the awardee's name, the date, and the service for which the recipient is being recognized.
The award shall be presented by the President of AGI during the luncheon of the fall meeting of the Member Society Council and Executive Committee.
Bill Heroy was born in Washington, D.C., in 1915, received his A.B. in geology from Dartmouth in 1937, and his Ph.D. from Princeton four years later.
Following a five-year stint with Texaco, he moved to the Geotechnical Corporation in Dallas, advancing to President, and later to Teledyne as Group Executive. In these positions he greatly advanced the use of geophysics in petroleum exploration and geologic research worldwide and was responsible for organizing Teledyne Exploration Company into one of the world's largest geophysical companies. But one distinguished career was not enough. At age 55 he embarked on another in education - first as Vice President of Finance at Southern Methodist University and later as Professor of Geology (now emeritus) and President of the University's Institute for Study of Earth and Man.
In addition to these outstanding accomplishments, Heroy has always been deeply devoted to the science of geology, to the welfare of the geological profession, and to the importance of geology to the nation and mankind. He has been and still is a prodigious contributor to the geologic profession at-large, including many geological societies and other organizations outside the profession, but especially to AGI.
Following in the footsteps of his distinguished father, William B. Heroy Sr., who was a Founder and second President of AGI, Bill Heroy Jr.'s service to the Institute has been exemplary. Beginning almost a quarter of a century ago, he has served as AGI Vice-President for Finance (1963-1967), Vice-President (1968), President (1969), and was called back as Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance Committee (1984-1985) to provide essential leadership in solving AGI's pressing financial problems. He was a Trustee of the AGI Foundation and was its first Treasurer. His professional accomplishments are exceeded only by his love of geology and his commendable modesty in the face of such achievements.
1987 Hollis D. Hedberg
1988 William H. Matthews III
1989 Howard R. Gould
1990 Robert E. Boyer
1991 Robert L. Heller
1992 Grover E. Murray
1993 Frank W. Harrison Jr.
1994 James A. Gibbs
1995 Philip E. LaMoreaux
1996 John D. Haun
1997 William L. Fisher
1998 John G. Mulvihill
1999 Thomas M. Hamilton & Jan F. van Sant
2000 Samuel S. Adams
2001 William E. Crain & Robert L. Heller
2002 Robert W. Ridky
2003 Edward C. Roy Jr.
2004 Russell G. Slayback
2005 Michael J. Baranovic
2006 M. Ray Thomasson
2007 Thomas D. Barrow
2008 William J. Siok
2009 U.S. Geological Survey
2010 Elwyn C. Griffiths
2011 Ian D. MacGregor
2012 Dennis Trombatore
2013 Lewis S. (Stan) Pittman
2014 AAPG
2015 Gail M. Ashley
2016 John C. Steinmetz
2017 Richard M. Powers
2018 Rex C. Buchanan
2019 Vicki S. McConnell
2020 Rebecca L. Dodge
2021 Aida Awad
2022 Sharon Mosher
2023 Rodney Ewing
2024 David Curtiss and Susan Sullivan