The American Geosciences Institute collaborates with member societies, partners, and others to support a diverse and representative geoscience community that enables opportunities for all people to participate. Improved use of diverse experiences and perspectives within our community will provide better geoscience solutions for society. Our efforts, dating back to the Minority Participation Program in 1972, encompass a wide range of human capacity development programs. We invite you to explore this and other pages to see how AGI values a diverse geoscience workforce in which all are empowered to reach their highest potential.

DEI across the Federation

Across the geoscience federation, DEI initiatives and related efforts are underway. Enter this page to find out more.

Community Framework

This community document provides a framework that geoscience societies can use to cultivate an inclusive profession that both addresses systemic issues and sets priorities aimed at increasing equity and addressing issues of intersectionality among race, class, disability status, and gender.


The AGI Federation of societies and associated organizations offer a range of scholarships for students from underrepresented populations.

Intersociety Committee

An ad-hoc committee of AGI, the Intersociety Committee helps coordinate the geoscience community’s efforts to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion and to support active engagement at all levels of the profession in advancing these values.

AGI Internal Committee

The institute’s internal committee on diversity examines the practices and operations of AGI with the aim of ensuring that it is a welcoming and inclusive organization effectively engaging with all populations.


Hosted by AGI, numerous webinars on higher education, career development, and additional topics explore issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the geosciences, as well as recommendations on effectively addressing them.

Vision and Change

This National Science Foundation-supported report and related resources establish a vision for strengthening diversity in geoscience higher education and practical strategies that geoscience programs can use to engage all communities.


Funded by IF/THEN®, an initiative of the Lyda Hill Philanthropies, this website promotes girls and women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), profiles some of today's leading women geoscientists, and offers related education resources.