Friday, October 11, 2024 1:00 PM EDT | 1 hour
Series: AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs
Procedures and support structures for new faculty going up for tenure and promotion vary between departments and institutions. Department heads and chairs, however, are responsible for providing leadership in creating expectations, managing the process, and reducing barriers for those going through the tenure and promotion process.
Friday, September 6, 2024 1:00 PM EDT | 1 hour
Series: AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs
The AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs webinar series is pleased to offer a free online webinar and discussion lead by Christopher Keane and Leila Gonzales from AGI about the latest data on how geoscience employment trends are changing within the U.S., including the skillsets that geoscientists will need to succeed in future geoscience careers.
Friday, May 3, 2024 1:00 PM EDT | 1 hour
Series: AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs
ADVANCEing FieldSafety ( is a program that provides field research teams with the training and tools to promote safe and inclusive environments, identify and mitigate unsafe and harmful behaviors, and create a culture within field teams that reduces the likelihood and impact of these behaviors in the future.
Friday, April 26, 2024 1:00 PM EDT | 1 hour
Series: AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs
The AGU Bridge Program is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Earth and space sciences through the dissemination of leading practices in higher education and the facilitation of a graduate application pathway at our partner departments.
Friday, March 8, 2024 1:00 PM EST
Series: AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs
Managing the demands of the day-to-day work, balancing the need for making progress on one's research, and seeking work-life balance often causes tension in the life of a department chair. Whether you have been a chair for a long time or are a fairly new chair, you have probably experienced this tension.
Friday, February 9, 2024 1:00 PM EST | 1 hour
Series: AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs
Mental health is a crucial issue in academia, but issues related to mental health and wellness are often swept under the rug, both at the individual and institutional levels. Mental health challenges can be particularly acute in geoscience, particularly in field, shipboard, laboratory, or virtual environments that are often isolating.
Friday, November 3, 2023 1:00 PM EDT | 1 hour
Series: AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs
The AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs webinar series is pleased to offer a free webinar that will feature a panel and community discussion about strengthening enrollment and managing administrative expectations.
Our panelists are:
Friday, October 6, 2023 1:00 PM EDT | 1 hour
Series: AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs
In this webinar our speaker, Dr. Martinez-Cola, a social scientist at Morehouse College, identifies and describes three types of mentoring relationships she has encountered throughout her academic journey. Through a combination of storytelling and information sharing, she hopes to inspire self-reflection that can lead to a deeper understanding of both mentors and protégés.
Friday, September 22, 2023 1:00 PM EDT | 1 hour
Series: AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs
This webinar will explore why applying a DEI lens to "data about people" is important, outline strategies to maximize impact of your data while reducing potential harm, and provide a detailed example of how Colorado School of Mines applied these strategies for investigating student retention of marginalized groups.
Our panelists are:
Friday, May 5, 2023 1:00 PM ET | 1 hour
Please join the AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs program as we discuss the results of AGI’s 2021-22 Recent Graduate Surveys and consider emerging trends. The presentation will lead into a discussion among participants about what they are seeing for their recent graduates and what that means for the next couple years.