EARTH: Where Fire Freezes: All Eyes, Ears and Instruments on Iceland's Volatile Volcanoes

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EARTH: Where Fire Freezes: All Eyes, Ears and Instruments on Iceland’s Volatile Volcanoes
Maureen Moses (

Alexandria, VA – Iceland is located in the North Atlantic straddling a mid-ocean ridge and possibly riding over a Hawaiian-style hot spot. This makes it is a prime geological environment for volcanoes: Iceland has more than 100 volcanoes, 33 of which are active. Iceland is also home to examples of every type of volcano on Earth, each with its own eruptive pattern. Thus, the island nation presents a special challenge to volcanologists as well as serving as an ideal natural laboratory for studying how volcanic processes evolve.

Scientists monitor changes using everything from GPS to streamflow to protect Iceland’s citizens and reduce the economic impacts of the eruptions when they occur. Learn just how different each volcano is and how unique features — such as eruptive history and the glaciers that cap many of the volcanoes — are used to inform the scientists that study them at:

EARTH Magazine brings you the science behind the headlines. In the March/April issue of EARTH Magazine, we have stories covering what we know about the lunar atmosphere, how changing tectonic plate orientation in Europe affected the Jurassic climate, and what scrape marks contained in fossil sites in Colorado can tell us about dinosaur courtship. Check it out here:


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