Interactive map of solar energy suitability in Minnesota

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Screenshot of the solar suitability app from the Minnesota Department of Commerce

The Minnesota Department of Commerce provides an interactive map that allows users to assess the suitability for solar energy development across the state.

Users can search the map by address or click anywhere in the state to see an assessment of the solar suitability for that location, including a month-by-month breakdown of potential solar energy production. Included in the assessment is how large a system would be required to provide the electricity needs of an average household, plus the approximate cost of such a system and how long it would take for that investment to be returned by savings on utility bills (calculation includes tax credits).

In addition to solar suitability, the map shows locations of existing solar installations and the boundaries of electric utility service areas. Links are provided for more information about solar energy, relevant state-level policies and incentives, contact details for utility service providers, and information about community solar gardens.

Click here to access the interactive map.

Source: Minnesota Department of Commerce