Policy & Critical Issues Events

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AGI’s Geoscience Policy and Critical Issues programs plan a number of events every year that bring policymakers, decision-makers, and geoscientists together.

Congressional Briefings

In collaboration with other scientific societies and coalitions, the AGI Geoscience Policy Program hosts congressional briefings to educate and inform policy makers on relevant geoscience topics and issues. These briefings feature scientific speakers from government, academic, and industry sectors.

Download flyer Date & Time: Monday, June 25, 2018; 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Location: Cannon House Office Building, Room 122 Volcanoes are one of the most fascinating natural phenomena on Earth, but their beauty can be deceiving. An explosive volcano can devastate the local area with mudflows,...
A sinkhole in front of a home in Kentucky. Image Credit: FEMA/Photo by Rob Melendez
Date & Location Monday, May 7, 2018 at 2 pm - 3 pm SVC 201, Capitol Visitors Center RSVP by May 3 at http://bit.ly/SinkholeBriefing Sinkholes have engulfed entire homes, sewer systems, and eight classic cars from the National Corvette Museum. However, with the help of science and...
Icebergs in Greeland
Date & Location Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Cannon 122 Geoscience information is integral to strengthening the economy of the last frontier. This briefing will highlight the importance of the geosciences for sustaining infrastructure, supplying energy to the...
Critical Issues Webinar thumbnail image
The Congressional Hazards Caucus and the Hazards Caucus Alliance invite you to a briefing on severe storms and flash floods that impact the U.S. The briefing will discuss the science behind extreme rain events such as atmospheric rivers, and highlight the application of research, observation, and...
The Peru earthquake of May 31, 1970 caused slumping and cracking of this paved road. Image Credit: U.S. Geological Survey
Natural hazards affect every state in the nation. Earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, tsunamis, hurricanes and other hazards, result in billions of dollars in annualized losses to the United States. These hazards threaten lives and property, disrupt services, damage infrastructure and threaten...

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Congressional Visits Days

GEO-CVD 2016 participants meeting with Senator Cory Gardner from Colorado. (from left) Senator Cory Gardner(R-Colo.); Sparkle Malone of the U.S. Forest Service; Dave Ellerbroek of AECOM; Kendra Johnson and Rob Anthony (Image credit: AGI)

Interested in sharing the value of your science with federal or local decision makers? Read more about our Geosciences Congressional Visits Days (Geo-CVD) – a two day event where you travel to Washington D.C. to talk about the importance of your research.

Geosciences Congressional Visits Days
District Visit Days


The Policy & Critical Issues programs host webinars on a variety of topics that bring geoscientists and decision makers together to discuss potential solutions to challenges at the interface of geoscience and society.

Reach the community by sponsoring a Critical Issues Webinar. Click here for more information or email sponsorships@americangeosciences.org for information.

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State & Local Events

Forum participants discussing lessons learned and best practices for managing groundwater resources at the 2016 Critical Issues Forum: Addressing Changes in Regional Groundwater Resources: Lessons from the High Plains Aquifer. (Image credit: AGI)

AGI Critical Issues Forums bring together leading experts from academia, government, industry, and other groups to discuss topics at the intersection of geoscience and public policy. The Forums highlight the essential role that geoscience information plays in policy decisions at all levels from the global to the local. These events, started in 2014, showcase the societal relevance of the geosciences to a broad audience while also providing opportunities for dialog and networking between geoscientists and decision makers at all levels.

2016: Addressing Changes in Regional Groundwater Resources: Lessons from the High Plains Aquifer

2014: America’s Increasing Reliance on Natural Gas: Benefits and Risks of a Methane Economy