Critical Minerals: Ensuring Americas Future

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Rare-earth elements (REE) and other critical mineral resources are essential to daily life, jobs, and national security. From cell phones to renewable energy to jet fighters, these resources are the building blocks of modern civilization. World population growth and rising standards of living in countries like China, India, and Brazil have increased the demand for mineral resources – raising the potential for supply disruptions and international conflict. Pending Congressional legislation and daily news headlines indicate a pressing need for action. Join us for up-to-date information on this important topic.

Date: Dec 13, 2013, 11:00-12:00pm
Location: 2325 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

Hosted by:

  • The Environmental and Energy Study Institute
  • American Geosciences Institute
  • Geological Society of America
  • National Mining Association
  • Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc.
  • U.S. Geological Survey

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