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The Monthly Review is part of a continuing effort to improve communications about the role of geoscience in policy.
Current and archived monthly reviews are available online.
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May 2014
- Senate confirms Schneider as Interior Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management
- USGS nominee testifies before Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
- House Science, Space, and Technology Committee approves FIRST Act
- Keystone XL vote hits roadblock in Senate
- Senate hearing examines winter propane shortages
- EPA requests comments on disclosure of fracking chemicals
- Hearing on energy needs in Asia: the U.S. liquified natural gas option
- Senate passes legislation to prevent propane shortages
- Department of Energy round table discusses methane emissions
- Supreme Court will not review Department of the Interior coal-export fee
- Geoscience-Energy Consortium holds briefing on the importance of geoscience in oil and gas development
- USGCRP releases National Climate Assessment
- House Science, Space, and Technology Committee examines IPCC report process
Federal Agencies & Administration
- USFS requests comments on proposed policy for groundwater resources management on National Forest Lands
- Obama announces pick for NOAA chief scientist
- NIOSH to assess workplace hazards associated with hydraulic fracturing
Monthly Review prepared by: Maeve Boland, Geoscience Policy Director; Abby Seadler, Geoscience Policy Associate; Meg Gilley, Geoscience Policy Associate; Eliana Perlmutter, AGI/AIPG Summer Intern; Zack Schagrin, AGI/AIPG Summer Intern; and Lily Strelich, AGI/AIPG Summer Intern.
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Compiled June 9, 2014