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The Monthly Review is part of a continuing effort to improve communications about the role of geoscience in policy.
Current and archived monthly reviews are available online.
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December 2015
- House passes bill amending the Natural Gas Act
- Sen. Sanders and others introduce bills supporting transition to clean energy
- House Committee holds underground hearing on mining workforce, education
- House passes bill which bans the use of microbeads
- Update to USGCRP Strategic Plan published in the Federal Register
- Legislators call for a halt to Atlantic seismic surveys
Federal Agencies & Administration
- NDAA includes provision supporting conference travel for scientists
- President signs bill strengthening K-12 STEM education
- Dr. Suzette Kimball confirmed as Director of the U.S. Geological Survey
Monthly Review prepared by: Maeve Boland, Geoscience Policy Director; Abby Seadler, Geoscience Policy Associate; Danielle Woodring, AGI/AAPG Geoscience Policy Intern.
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Compiled January 4, 2016