August 5, 2016
President Barack Obama announced his intent to appoint six new officials to key Administration posts, including Dr. Jackie Richter-Menge to the United States Arctic Research Commission (USARC). USARC serves as the advisory body to the President, Congress, and the Administration on emerging Arctic research.
Since 1983, Dr. Ritcher-Menge has served as a Research Civil Engineer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and as a professional engineer for the state of New Hampshire. As of 2016, she has held the position of Affiliate Professor at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, as well as the position of Visiting Research Scientist at Dartmouth College beginning in 2015. She is also the Chair of the Science Steering Committee for the Submarine Arctic Science Program (SCICEX) and the Sea Ice Lead for the NASA IceBridge Science Team.
Sources: Greenwire, NASA IceBridge, Submarine Arctic Science Program, United States Arctic Research Commission, White House Office of the Press Secretary.