Geoscience in Your State: Hawaii

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Cover of Geoscience Policy State Factsheet. Image credit: AGI

By the numbers: Hawaii

  • 1,700 geoscience employees (excludes self-employed)1
  • 359 million gallons/day: total groundwater withdrawal3
  • $105 million value of nonfuel mineral production in 20174
  • 45 total disaster declarations, including 15 fire, 9 flood, and 7 severe storm disasters (1953-2017)⁶
  • $15.6 million: NSF GEO grants awarded in 201713
  • ...

Agencies Working on Geoscience Issues in hawaii

Commission on Water Resource Management

The Commission's general mission is to protect and enhance the water resources of the State of Hawaii through wise and responsible management.

Hawaii Emergency Management Agency

The mission of Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency is to help the Hawaiʻi Ohana prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters and emergencies.

Hawaii Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands

The OCCL is responsible for overseeing approximately 2 million acres of private and public lands that lie within the State Land Use Conservation District. In addition, to privately and publicly zoned Conservation District lands, OCCL is responsible for overseeing beach and marine lands out to the seaward extent of the State’s jurisdiction.

Hawaii State Energy Office
With the state’s goal to reach 100 percent renewable energy generation by 2045, the Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) is leading the state’s charge toward clean energy independence. HSEO is committed to developing and deploying high impact solutions that will maximize Hawaii’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, HSEO has positioned Hawaii as a leader in clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities and accelerate economic growth.

Case Studies & Factsheets


Introduction Dry wells improve stormwater drainage and aquifer recharge by providing a fast, direct route for rainwater to drain deep into underlying sediment and rock. Dry wells are most common in the western U.S. where clay or caliche layers slow down the natural drainage of water into underlying...

Cover of AGI Factsheet 2018-004 - Present Day Climate Change

Climate Science 101 Climate is the average of weather conditions over several decades.1,2 Geoscientists monitor modern climate conditions (1880 A.D. to present) in part by taking direct measurements of weather data (i.e., air temperature, rainfall and snowfall, wind speed, cloudiness, and so on)...


Fresh water from underground Groundwater is any water found underground in the cracks and pores in soil, sand, or rock. Groundwater provides 25% of the fresh water used in the United States.1 It is particularly important for irrigation and domestic uses in arid or remote areas, where surface water...

Cover of Geoscience Policy State Factsheet. Image credit: AGI

By the numbers: Hawaii 1,700 geoscience employees (excludes self-employed)1 359 million gallons/day: total groundwater withdrawal3 $105 million value of nonfuel mineral production in 20174 45 total disaster declarations, including 15 fire, 9 flood, and 7 severe storm disasters (1953-2017)⁶ $15....