2010-2011 AGI Fisher Fellow Ursula Rick

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Ursula Rick, 2010-2011 AGI Fisher Fellow
The 2010-2011 William L. Fisher Congressional Geoscience Fellow is Ursula Rick. Rick worked in the office of Senator Mark Udall of Colorado. Previously, Rick was a professional research associate at the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science (CIRES), University of Colorado, Boulder. She received her Ph.D. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences from the University of Colorado, her Masters in Engineering Sciences from Dartmouth College and her Bachelor degree in Material Science and Metallurgical Engineering from Michigan Technological University. Her doctoral dissertation focused on surface water runoff from the Greenland ice sheet. She continues to do fieldwork in Greenland and Antarctica and recently co-organized a Forum on Science Ethics and Policy at the University of Colorado. She is now the Regulatory Affairs Analyst at Western Energy Alliance.