2013-2014 AGI Fisher Fellow Kristen Mitchell

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Kristen Mitchell, 2013-2014 AGI Fisher Fellow
The 2013-2014 William L. Fisher Congressional Geoscience Fellow is Kristen Mitchell. She worked in the office of Congressman Mike Honda of California. Mitchell graduated with her B.S. in Marine Chemistry from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida in 2005. After graduation, Mitchell moved to Europe for a Fulbright Student Fellowship where she studied microbial sulfate reduction at the University of Southern Denmark. During the course of her Ph.D., Mitchell studied at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, Georgia Institute of Technology, and finally the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario. She successfully defended her Ph.D. on the marine biogeochemical cycling of selenium isotopes at Utrecht University in 2012. Currently, Mitchell is a research associate in the Ecohydrology Research Group at the University of Waterloo. Her research focuses on assessing the utility of remote sensing to identify plastic debris in the Great Lakes and in oceans.