35th IGC Sessions

35th International Geological Congress Sessions

Paper Number Title Presenting Authorsort ascending Session Abstract
3411 Extreme nanogranites: unadulterated mantle-depth, granitic melt inclusions crystallised to kumdykolite+kokchetavite+cristobalite Prof. Patrick O'Brien T38.13 - Microscale is the key: microstructural and microchemical studies of metamorphic processes to unravel compositional and geodynamic evolution of the Earth PDF icon 3411.pdf
3665 Unecso Global Geoparks Prof. Patrick Mc Keever T1.7 - Heritage, conservation and management / Geoheritage and Geoparks PDF icon 3665.pdf
3405 Geology in cities Prof. Patrick DE WEVER T1.7 - Heritage, conservation and management / Geoheritage and Geoparks PDF icon 3405.pdf
3406 Stratotypes for the public Prof. Patrick DE WEVER T1.2 - Geoheritage and Geoparks PDF icon 3406.pdf
1998 Hydrous silicic fluid films around solid inclusions in gem-quality diamonds Prof. Paolo Nimis T30.9B - The dynamic Earth and its Kimberlite, Cratonic Mantle and Diamond record through time PDF icon 1998.pdf
3791 Geochemical evolution of polygenic ferricrete-capped landscapes: Example from the Poura region, Burkina Faso Prof. Ousmane Bamba T42.P4 - Surficial Processes and Landscape Evolution PDF icon 3791.pdf
3342 Compositional features, and relative prospectivity assessment of Rare metal (Ta-Nb-Sn) Precambrian Pegmatite of southwestern Nigeria Prof. Olugbenga Okunlola T13.13 - AGID Sub Theme : 2 Mining for Economic Progress of Low-Income Countries PDF icon 3342.pdf
1524 Granitic intrusions and UHT metamorphism in the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Complex, South Africa Prof. Oleg Safonov T38.11 - Challenges in ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) granulite metamorphism and crustal melting PDF icon 1524.pdf
4126 Sand seas and dune fields of Egypt Prof. Olaf Bubenzer T42.13 - Evolution of sand seas: past, present...and future? PDF icon 4126.pdf
4132 Erg Chebbi, SE Morocco: Morphometry, granulometry, and groundwater recharge Prof. Olaf Bubenzer T42.P4 - Surficial Processes and Landscape Evolution PDF icon 4132.pdf
2364 Educational practices in Oga Peninsula-Ogata Geopark, northeast Japan. Prof. Norihito Kawamura T2.P3 - Geoscience Education and Public Communication PDF icon 2364.pdf
68 Deep crustal CO2 fluxes in Jordan and their various geological manifestations Prof. Nizar Abu-Jaber T42.14 - Surficial Processes and Landscape Evolution PDF icon 68.pdf
1268 Geodynamic conditions of formation of large-scale gold mineralization in the Siberian craton margin. Prof. Nikolay Goryachev T27.10 - The Crustal Gold Cycle (jointly sponsored by SEG and SGA) PDF icon 1268.pdf
4413 Identifying extremely low-concentration non-target components in copper ores and concentrates Prof. Nigel Cook T23.11 - Applied Mineralogy and Geometallurgy / Strategic & Base Metals & Industrial Minerals PDF icon 4413.pdf
4467 ‘Trace-element-in-mineral’ signatures: acquisition, interpretation and application Prof. Nigel Cook T18.12a - Trace element analysis of minerals: applications in ore geology (Sponsored by IAGOD) / Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential PDF icon 4467.pdf
5476 Oxygen-based redox systems in dynamic Archean oceans Prof. Nicolas Beukes T32.11 - Redox texture of the Archean atmosphere and ocean PDF icon 5476.pdf
5438 BIF-hosted manganese deposits of Africa Prof. Nicolas Beukes T18.10 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 5438.pdf
1075 Mechanisms of crustal extension in the Basin and Range Province Prof. Nicholas Christie-Blick T29.2 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution
1158 Submarine mineral resources: who will mine them and who will reap the benefits? Prof. Nicholas Arndt T26.2 - Understanding the Mineral Life Cycle PDF icon 1158.pdf
1164 Bushveld’s base has foundered Prof. Nicholas Arndt T18.4 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 1164.pdf
3150 New constraints from zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions on the late Palaeoproterozoic continental arc granitoids in the Aravalli orogen, NW India Prof. Naveen Chaudhri T33.11 - Crustal Evolution in the Indian Peninsula: Special Reference to Central Indian Craton / Geodynamics and metallogenesis of the West African Craton PDF icon 3150.pdf
3259 Stress change and fault interaction from a two century-long earthquake sequence in the central Tell Atlas (Algeria) Prof. Mustapha Meghraoui T8.6 - Crustal deformation and seismotectonics in Africa: Active faulting and earthquake hazard assessment PDF icon 3259.pdf
3261 Coastal large earthquakes and evidence for paleotsunami deposits along the Mediterranean coast of Egypt Prof. Mustapha Meghraoui T29.7 - Coastal tectonics and sea level change PDF icon 3261.pdf
815 African Copper Prof. Murray HItzman T26.1 - Understanding the Mineral Life Cycle PDF icon 815.pdf
173 Geology, Landscape and Earth-Life Link in the Kruger National Park. Prof. Morris Viljoen T1.1 - Geoheritage and Geoparks PDF icon 173.pdf
174 Geoheritage of the Great Escarpment of South Africa Prof. Morris Viljoen T1.3 - Geoheritage and Conservation PDF icon 174.pdf
175 Mineralisation in the Bushveld Complex Prof. Morris Viljoen T26.1 - Understanding the Mineral Life Cycle PDF icon 175.pdf
179 The Witwatersrand Goldfield - from Geological Origins to Environmental Impacts of Mining Prof. Morris Viljoen T18.15 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 179.pdf
180 The Anthropic Metallogenic Principle Prof. Morris Viljoen T48.2 - Planetary Geoscience PDF icon 180.pdf
640 Genesis and petrology of Late Neoproterozoic pegmatites and aplites associated with the Taba metamorphic complex in southern Sinai, Egypt Prof. Mokhles Azer T33.15 - Proterozoic magmatic processes; insights into the crustal growth and accretionary events in diverse tectonic settings PDF icon 640.pdf
2521 Surface deformation monitoring by Insar techniques. Case study of the region of In Salah, Algeria. Prof. Mohammed Abed T9.P4 - Proximal and Remote Sensing Technologies PDF icon 2521.pdf
2531 Karst Collapse Occurrences and Investigation in China Prof. Mingtang Lei T15.14 - Karst problems - identification and remediation PDF icon 2531.pdf
4638 Tectonic influences on the development of the continental crust Prof. Mike Daly Prof Chris Hawkesworth T30.9a - Supercontinent Cycles and Global Geodynamics (convened by IGCP 648) PDF icon 4638.pdf
3421 Ecological services and biophysical functioning of agriecological soils of Burkina Faso Prof. Mikael Motelica-Heino T6.4 - Soil Science PDF icon 3421.pdf
1831 Stratigraphy and sea-level fluctuations around the Santonian-Campanian boundary interval Prof. Michael Wagreich T47.P3 - Phanerozoic Earth History, Stratigraphy and the Geologic Time Scale PDF icon 1831.pdf
809 Utility-scale wind energy projects: managing public perception and environmental risk Prof. Michael Slattery T2.11 - Geoscience Education and Public Communication PDF icon 809.pdf
4598 Innovative Burning and Reuse of Asbestos Fibers by Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis: the Development of an Innovative Technique for the Treatment of Asbestos Containing Waste from the Laboratory Scale to the Implementation of Prototype Plants Prof. Maurizio Ferretti T14.10 - Geoscience at the nexus of industry, water and social impacts of the extractive and power industries PDF icon 4598.pdf
4574 Evolution of the eastern Arabian basement - geochronologic and isotopic constraints from Socotra and basement inliers in Oman. Prof. Martin Whitehouse T33.15 - Proterozoic magmatic processes; insights into the crustal growth and accretionary events in diverse tectonic settings PDF icon 4574.pdf
5362 U-Pb, O and Hf isotope study of detrital zircon from lower Palaeozoic sandstones sitting on the Precambrian unconformity of Saudi Arabia. Prof. Martin Whitehouse T28.P4 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 5362.pdf
3598 Conditioned duality of the Earth system via the supercontinent cycle Prof. Martin Van Kranendonk T30.15c - Secular change in Earth evolution PDF icon 3598.pdf
3603 A volcanic plateau origin of the Barberton granitoid-greenstone terrain Prof. Martin Van Kranendonk T32.13 - Crust formation and recycling from the Hadean to the late Archaean: The transition to plate tectonics PDF icon 3603.pdf
4228 Remarkable preservation: metamorphic processes in the 3.5 Ga North Pole Dome, Pilbara Craton, Australia Prof. Martin Van Kranendonk T38.3 - Metamorphic processes in early Earth evolution PDF icon 4228.pdf
2856 Defining the Upper Pleistocene Subseries: assessing Antarctic ice cores for a potential global boundary stratotype section and point (GSSP) Prof. Martin Head T47.13 - The Quaternary System: precision and reliability in global correlation PDF icon 2856.pdf
3627 The Mesoproterozoic Pilanesberg Complex - age and whole rock geochemistry Prof. Marlina Elburg T36.4 - Alkali Complexes/Ophiolites PDF icon 3627.pdf
3629 Pan-African syenites and A-type granites in the Sør Rondane Mountains, Antarctica Prof. Marlina Elburg T41.15 - Geological History and Mineral Resources of the Circumpolar Arctic / Precambrian Geology of Antarctica PDF icon 3629.pdf
3916 Process metallurgy: A key enabler of a circular economy Prof. Markus Reuter T26.4 - The Urban Mine PDF icon 3916.pdf
5274 A spatial model of groundwater chemical composition in Slovenia in GIS environment prof. Marko Komac T5.P3 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 5274.pdf
5665 OneGeology Africa Part II Prof. Marko Komac T7.15a - OneGeology Africa Part II
5666 OneGeology Africa Part II Prof. Marko Komac T7.16a - OneGeology Africa Part II
2640 Insight into the geodynamics of southern Africa; crustal thickness and upper mantle structure of Botswana Prof. Mark Van Der Meijde T9.14 - Use of radar remote sensing in geological applications / Challenges and opportunities in achieving global remote sensing of surface minerals PDF icon 2640.pdf
